Five: Izuku and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

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Hey everyone! Before you get into this chapter, I just wanted to let you know that there's a high chance that my upload schedule will slow down due to online school having just started. I'll have a lot less free time, which means less time to write.

I'm sorry about this; as a fellow reader, I know how frustrating it can be waiting for a story new update. But I do want to pass school, so writing might have to go on the back burner for a while. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to stop! I'm still going to continue this story at the best pace I can. And I'll do my best to make each and every chapter worth the wait!

Also! Just a reminder that Izuku's thought processes, in this chapter especially, are very unhealthy and ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT BE EMULATED. If you find yourself thinking similar thoughts, please talk to someone and get some help. Your mental health is important to both you and your loved ones, so please take care of it.

Also also! In this chapter, I use some lyrics from the song YMCA by the Village People. I own neither the lyrics nor the song, and I've italicized the included lyrics as well so you can tell which parts don't belong to me. If you want to listen to the song itself, I've included the video where it starts playing in-story for the best experience.

Okay, sorry about all that. The important messages are all out of the way, so without further ado, please enjoy this super duper long chapter.

Word Count: 10,914

WARNING: This chapter contains graphic depictions of bullying. Please do not read if this triggers you. Thank you and please take care of yourselves.

The first thing that registered in his mind was silence.


Everything was pitch-dark and silent, except for the barely audible creak of the floorboards- or at least, it should have been barely audible. Within this absolute vacuum of noise, even that slight sound echoed uncomfortably loudly in his ears as he shifted from his position, limbs stiff and sore. His eyelids burned and struggled to open, but he forced himself to turn his head and look at his surroundings.

But there was nothing to see. Just black. He waited for his eyes to adjust, but his vision didn't brighten at all. No light was entering this space. There weren't even any shadows; just an endless sea of pure and all-consuming nothingness. The room somehow had an eerie and alien feel to it, yet it was one he knew well: the "punishment" closet from his old house. He'd be thrown in here whenever the jailer- Hisashi- didn't feel like looking at his face.

It was in the same way he knew that fact that he knew of the walls on all sides enclosing him in this barely three-by-three-foot space, too small to even lay down in, and that the only exit was a door that wouldn't open no matter how hard he pulled with his meager strength. After all, he'd spent more time in here than he'd care to admit.

Dimly, awareness began to return to him. How long had he been locked in here for this time? A day? A week? A month? He had no way of knowing.

Then again, maybe it didn't matter. Time held no meaning in this place, sequestered away from the rest of the world. All he knew was that the meager ration of water he'd been allowed to have had run out days ago, and that if he didn't drink something soon, he'd most likely die.

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