Eight: UA

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*blinks once*

*blinks twice*


5,000 reads! That's a lot! That's 1,000 × 5, 100 × 50! That's a lot!

I have no idea how this passion project got so much attention, but I can't thank you all enough. All of your views, votes, and comments mean the world to me, and I'm honored to know that people have been reading and enjoying my story. Thank you.

Is there anything you guys would want to celebrate? A Q&A, a drawing, writing prompts or requests? I'm open to just about anything, really. Except something like a face reveal- for privacy reasons, I'd prefer not to. Please let me know what you'd like in the comments! I'll try to do whatever I get the most requests for.

Also important: I am constantly going back and editing previous chapters! So there have been some slight changes, mostly minor adjustments like revising/editing, better explaining character motivations, maybe a bit of foreshadowing for some things too. Most of the work has been on Chapters One and Two, and while it's definitely not necessary for you to go back and check, I would encourage it if you read them before September 22- that's when I made the biggest changes.

But it's no sweat if you don't remember when you read them or don't feel like rereading, since nothing I added was extremely vital information. I like the updated versions of the chapters better though.

But that's enough of me talking. Without further ado, please enjoy the chapter!

Word Count: 10,435



Present Mic's voice boomed through the speakers, and a frantic scrambling of running footsteps followed. Izuku didn't bother to look back. Everything was flooding into his heightened senses at once; it was all he could do just to keep a clear head. Breaking away from the pack of examinees rushing in behind him, he ducked into a side street.

First order of business: a high vantage point.

Jumping up onto a low roof, Izuku methodically climbed higher and higher until he was on the top of a decently high building that gave him a good view of the exam grounds. As far as he could tell, the city's layout matched up perfectly with the blueprints he'd seen in the server. He should be able to navigate just fine, considering he'd memorized those blueprints. The robots also seemed to look and behave according to the server data.

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