Ten: The Calm Before

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*rises from the grave* I LIIIIVEEEE!

Man, this chapter was really kicking my butt. It took like a month to write, jeez. Sorry for the long wait once again- but on the bright side, I already have a good 7k word head start on the next chapter, so that wait shouldn't be too bad! Also, this update is the longest one yet. I will fight each and every one of you to defend my title of Queen of the Word Count. Bow down, peasants.

And also... this story reached 10,000 views recently. So, that happened, and, I, um- w h a t ?

I mean, it's already at like 11k by now, but I didn't want to post an early 10k celebration update and fake all of you guys out when you click on the notification expecting a chapter and get a thank you note instead, because that's happened to me sometimes. But I digress, I am seriously freaking out right now because that's insane! And I know I say this every single chapter but I really do mean it: thank you. I appreciate you all so much, and your kindness has been a huge motivation to me lately. This story wouldn't exist without you guys. 

Now, excuse me while I go melt into a puddle on the floor.

Oh, wait, before that, I got tagged! So that's pretty cool. I'm just gonna put my answers here since I don't really know where else to put them, so feel free to skip the next part if you just want to read the story.

 I'm just gonna put my answers here since I don't really know where else to put them, so feel free to skip the next part if you just want to read the story

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1. Oh man, I'm terrible with these questions... I once won a writing contest in fifth grade. Looking back, my piece wasn't all that good, but my opponents were also fifth graders, so... eh.

2. Purple, followed by gold.

3. Harry Potter. And by that, I mean the original seven books only and nothing else. Cursed child who?

4. Pizza. Also, just about anything sweet. I'm especially partial to Reeses.

5. I'm not sure whether this is referring to real-life nicknames or online nicknames, but I don't really have any either way. Fantasy, I guess?

6. A little over two years now. I made it back in 2018, then promptly forgot it ever existed. Until about nine months ago, when I came to Wattpad in search of some Violet Evergarden fanfic fresh off my third rewatch of the anime. Violet Evergarden really deserves some more fanfiction.

7. Fangirl!

8. Neon pink. Just kidding, it's brown. A very, very dark shade of brown.

9. Cats. I have two, actually. Aizawa would be proud.

10. I'm currently rereading The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. I first read it because it was required reading for my English class and I'm one of those nerds who actually enjoys all the required reading, and I ended up liking it a lot! I haven't read the actual Lord of the Rings series yet, though... it's on my TBR list. Which probably means it's never going to get read, because that thing is ENDLESS.

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