Six: Vigilantes and Meetings Don't Mix

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Hello everyone! Sorry this chapter was a couple days late... school has been kicking my butt lately (my workload makes me want to cry). I hope this extra long chapter makes up for it. The final word count even caught me by surprise, not that I'm complaining.

Please enjoy and stay awesome!

Word Count: 12,237


WARNING: This chapter contains graphic depictions of bullying and mentions of suicide baiting. Please do not read if this triggers you. Thank you and please take care of yourselves.

"Are we there yet?"

Tsukauchi drummed his fingers against the wheel of the car distractedly a few times before giving Zero a pointed look. "No. The police station is about ten minutes away, so plenty of time for me to continue chewing you out."

"Awww, c'monnn," Zero let out a loud complaint, even though he really didn't mind all that much. Being scolded was far from a new experience, and this was the one he'd ever received by far. Besides, he could sense the good intent behind it.

But that didn't change the fact that he was sticking to this act until the very end; maybe everyone would finally realize how annoying he was and decide to leave him alone.

And that was what he wanted, he reminded himself.

"Zero, you were blasting music in the middle of the street at..." Detective Tsukauchi glanced at his watch. "10 PM. If that's not disturbing the peace, I don't know what is. Not to mention defacing property, and I could probably get you for littering too. You're lucky I don't arrest you."

"But, but, but it wasn't even a residential area! And it was only some glitter! I just made the street look prettier, I swear, okay~? It looks better than the graffiti anyways- oh! And no one even called the police, you just came of your own free will, so~! Isn't it fine?" Zero responded in his best Whiny Kid Voice TM.

"I caught you committing a crime, so I have every legal right to arrest you. But, just this once..." Tsukauchi winced a little as the words tentatively exited his mouth. "I'll let you off, so don't do this again, okay?"

That was a pointless request, and Zero could tell by the detective's expression that they both knew it.

Time to bring out the waterworks.

"TSUKA-KUUUUUNNN!" The vigilante wailed melodramatically and leaned in towards the detective, arms open for a hug. Tsukauchi promptly removed one hand from the wheel and shoved Zero's face back without taking his eyes off the road.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but I'd rather not die in a car accident."

"Me neither!" Present Mic piped up.

Zero crossed his arms in a mock pout. "Hmph. Whatever you say, Mister Pajama Man."

Pulling up to a red light, Tsukauchi gave the vigilante a puzzled look before the realization dawned on him, and he looked down at his outfit. He was wearing his signature tan trench coat, but below it a pair of flannel pajama pants and an All Might shirt were in clear view. He flushed in embarrassment.

"Wait, pajamas?" The voice hero leaned forward from the backseat, taking care to lower his voice as to not wake the currently napping Eraserhead, and poked his head into the front to get a better look at the detective. He laughed quietly. "I didn't even notice! Nice one, listener!"

"It's your fault, Zero. You woke me up with that stupid text in the middle of the night, and I was too busy freaking out to think of getting dressed," grumbled a red-faced Tsukauchi.

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