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Hello everyone! I just wanted to thank you again for reading my story. I worked hard on it, so I hope you like reading it as much as I liked writing it. And again, I'm sorry for the bad fight scenes. This was my first time writing one, so it's going to be a learning process for me. They're really hard!

Anyway, please enjoy!

Word Count: 4202


WARNING: This chapter contains graphic depictions of abuse and bullying, and mentions of rape. Please do not read if any of these things trigger you. Thank you and please take care of yourselves.

All men are not created equal.

This was a lesson that Izuku Midoriya had learned the hard way.

He'd always been a kindhearted, eager boy. He was always willing to help people in need, and his cheerful smile was an ever-present landmark on his face. It was only natural that a boy like that would become a hero, everyone thought. Once he developed his quirk, he'd begin training, go to U.A. and become the savior he was always meant to be. His parents were sure of it. He already had the spirit and the determination; all he needed was to get his quirk.

Except he never did.

Because as he would find out sitting in that doctor's office on that fateful day, Izuku Midoriya was quirkless.

At first, the four-year old hadn't understood. As long as he wanted to be a hero and worked hard, what was the problem? Wasn't wanting to save people enough? He didn't understand why the doctor spat out the word with a measure of disgust, or why his parents' faces seemed to darken when they heard it. He stared at them, tears forming in his eyes. He didn't understand.


"M-mama, does this mean I c-can't be a hero with Kacchan anymore?"

Inko didn't respond. She had practically gone catatonic, while Hisashi's face had distorted into a twisted mask. He roughly grabbed Inko and Izuku's hands and dragged them out of the office.

The drive back home was deathly silent. After they'd entered the house, Izuku finally dared to speak.

"Mama? P-papa? Why do you look so-"


Hisashi had hit him.

"Don't call me that, brat," he growled, voice dripping with venom. "You're not my son. No son of mine is quirkless."

Inko started, "Hisashi-"

"Oh, so you're standing up for him?! This is your fault too! How could you give me a quirkless son, you bitch?!"

"It's not like I wanted this either!"

Izuku began to sob before he felt himself flying towards the wall, having been kicked by Hisashi. "Just go to your room, YOU IDIOT," he roared. His eyes were filled with hatred. He'd never seen his father like that before. Ignoring the pain blossoming in his stomach, Izuku scrambled to his room and closed the door as fast as he could. He could hear his parents yelling in the background, voices raising in outrage, a thwack, glass shattering against the floor...

Silence. His mother's soft crying. Stomping footsteps. Coming closer, closer. Close.

He trembled in fear as the door to his room burst open like a shot. Hisashi's figure cast a menacing shadow over him, but all the boy could see were his eyes, his hate-filled eyes, hate directed towards Izuku.

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