Smelly ghosts

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If I had a dime for every time Percy did something stupid, I would take my father's place as being the god of riches. That's how much of a kelp head he is.

This time, he thought it would be a great idea to relocate the lake, right onto the Aries cabin...
While they were sparing.

Now, I'm no expert on angering children of war when they're ready to kill on sight, but I'm pretty sure doing so will get you killed.

Apparently, Leo had dared him to. And of course, Percy was dumb enough to follow through. The whole event ended with cabin three having bear traps and mines outside the door. They couldn't touch Percy because he went and naked at the bottom of the lake, so they decided to leave him a surprise.

His cabin nearly blew up that night.

Now you may be asking. What does any of this have to do with me? I'm the creepy son of Hades that lurks around all day. Well, nothing surprisingly. I just watched it play out with popcorn all day. I wasn't going to miss out on kelp head being best by the Aries kids.

It's what happened after Percy's failed attempt at getting away with Leo's dare when my day went downhill.

I was walking back to my cabin minding my own business. I opened the door like always, and my eyes went wide. It was on everything. He was on everything. The whole inside of my cabin was covered with bright yellow paint and.. And posters of the one and only Will Solace. Even my bedspread was covered with his face.

My face felt hot. Only two people were capable of pulling something like this off like this. The Stolls. I had to get this cleaned up before anyone saw this. And definitely, before Will made his daily visit. And then I'm going to send those good for nothing pranksters to the fields of punishment.

As fast as I could, I ripped down all the posters and hide them in the bottom dresser drawer to burn later. And for the rest, I simply summoned five or so skeletons to fix the mess. And the good thing is I didn't even get a little tired from using my underworldly magic.

After two wars my father decided I had made him proud. So he gave me his blessing. Now I won't pass out or lose energy when I use my powers. I may get a little headache for working them too hard, but I'm grateful for what I have.

In about twenty minutes the cabin looked exactly like it did this morning and my skeletons sunk back into the ground. Now, where are those sneaky little brats. They're going to learn to not prank me ever again.


I spent the rest of the day in the infirmary with Will after I brought the Stolls in so they wouldn't die. Will didn't ask why I had brought them in and I didn't give an answer.

I explained that tomorrow, I was going to go catch some escaped ghosts (a favor for Thanatos) so I had to go pack and get a good night's sleep for the journey ahead. Will wasn't very happy about me leaving, but I might need something from Thanatos someday, and now is the best time to earn that favor. There are no wars going on at the time being.

So I departed from Will reluctantly and headed off to my cabin once again.  Thankfully it wasn't bright yellow this time.


I woke up to the sound of screaming harpies at 4:00 am. Oh, joy, the one night I didn't have demigod dreams and it's interrupted by someone sneaking out. Well, I guess I normally wake up around this time anyway. Let's just get this ghost hunting over with.

I quickly grabbed the book bag that I had packed last night and shadow traveled to the most crime-ridden city you'll ever hear of.


I materialized in a dark ally and took in my surroundings. Trash littered the ground and I could definitely smell the stench of death. Or in better words, newly formed ghosts. To my right was the exit of the ally, so I started my search in that direction. Plus, that's where the ghosts supposedly went.

It was still early morning so I didn't expect that many people to be out and about. maybe a few homeless people, but when I got a good look at the street there wasn't a single person in sight. Strange. But my guess is because of all the death I smelled. Seriously, this place was almost as bad as the underworld. Except there was also a copper cent that I could only guess came from spilt blood. No wonder Thanatos opted out of coming here.

I focused on the most recent ghost trails and followed them.


In three hours, I had found all the ghosts that where roaming around, and sent them back to the underworld. They were scattered all around the city. One of them was in a sewer hovering over their pale dead body. I found a couple of others in a warehouse. The last one was on the roof ofa skyscraper. I Don't even want to know how that happened.

The sun was now up and it was about time that I headed back to camp. I walked into another ally and after checking to see if anyone was watching, which they weren't, and stepped into the closest shadow.

Thank you all for reading the first chapter!
I sadly don't own any of the characters in this short story. They belong to Rick Riordan and Dc.
955 words.

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