IX. Tsukasa x Nene : Why?

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"Why.. did this happen?"

For all I know, he'd never let me go. I'm trapped inside this spiral of confusions and solitude, all alone; left behind to rot.

He comes to visit me every day though.. yet I prefer being left by myself. I don't want to see him.
I don't ever want to see him again. His twisted smile, those dull eyes that stared into my very soul while he muttered his words in a very sweet tone. And his desire, to separate me from everyone else; to make me suffer. I don't want to experience it again. It's all wrong, it's all horrible.

He is horrible.


"Yashiroo~" His eerie voice echoed throughout the void as he called out for her. It sounded so childish, as if what he would do was all fun and games yet those crimson stains on his face- it told a whole different story.

That wide smile she despised so much was present on his facade, as he arose from the gloom of the empty place. The emptiness were alike her ruined thoughts, emptied out due to various questions nobody would be able to ever answer. She had no one to ask, she had no one to confide in, she had no one to rely on, no person to entrust. She was lone, with the person she's come to hate strongly.

Footsteps neared, tapping sounds on the walls as he took slow steps to reach the girl who he had cut the wings of. His crimes, all he did for a reason she did not ever know, one she cannot find out as she cannot process all the things he did, all the occurrences he's involved her in.

One thing for sure though, she didn't want to be in that place that reeked the smell of blood and full of darkness- the walls that he sometimes smeared with people's carmine liquid, people who were close to her. Those she deemed as her friends, those she treasured and he just had to let her see them meet their demise. He seemed insane, he seemed unstable. All the sins he commit are of no reason, of no exact value.

"Why are you doing this?" The female stared at the male as she sat down on the cold floor. The flame of the torch he held in his hand emitted an obscure light made his sweet yet creepy smile look more sinister. In his tangerine orbs, the flames went and blended in. You couldn't tell apart his desire and passion from that of the blaze.

"What have I done to deserve this harsh treatment?" Her magenta eyes had no shine in them as she continued barraging him with her questions that he never answered, those concerns left ignored as he shushes the girl's mouth with his palm.

Her silent voice could never reach him.
"I've never done anything wrong yet you do this torture to me.'' She uttered under her breath, losing hope of talking to him about anything. She'd always be ignored. She was no importance.

"Hmm~" The brunette released the girl's mouth as he put a finger on his chin, "Honestly, why do you think I'm doing this?" He closed his eyes, a sincere smile curled up on the edges of his lips as a question slipped out his mouth.

Yet this didn't shock her, he was already full of surprises from the start. He made Hanako cry of some reason, he killed Mitsuba, he made Kou said, he killed No. 3- He was a criminal at heart, those impurities of his could never be cleaned. Nothing was impossible for him in this world of darkness.


"Tsukasa.. why are you doing this?"

She had not even a slightest bit of clue as a key to knowing the root of all his actions- perhaps only one yet it could be wrong. Someone he loved the most.


"Is it because of him? Do you want him all for yourself that you just had to keep me out of the way?" Another time. Try again. He questioned this time, he may answer too. Take the chance and--

"Hm... but what if I told you it were because of you?"


Why did this happen to me?

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