V. Akane Aoi : Secrets

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NOTICE : This is merely a starter, it is not a finished story although I have decided to share it here as well.


The slow and eerie creak of the door behind gave chills upon his spine. Turning around and taking a grasp unto the steel doorknob which reeked of rust and felt icy through his fingers; as if left untouched for a long amount of time. "I'm sorry." Those were the last words the maiden he loved so much had stated before her silent footsteps faded step by step until he heard her no more.

Twisting the doorknob open yet to not avail, it was firmly closed as the darkness consumed the expanse within. Leaving no other choice but for him to find another exit inside those corridors where shadows hide and monsters seek for a feast.

Clanging bells, ticking clocks, a picture hanged on the wall; one that looked alike his "lover." Bright blue eyes, similar to the skies, silky azure locks yet free. A ribbon on her hair; with the color of pure crimson. All that left for him to wonder, everything looked antique yet they were all clean, the clock continued to tick; hands moving even if it looked as if it were never touched.

Not even a speck of dust yet no signs of the living, a true mystery. "Ah, let's get this over with. Ao-san somehow left me here, maybe she wants me to do something?" A moment of silence as he head near a door with a nameplate namely; "Akane Sumire"

The girl from the portrait, perhaps? Maybe she lived there, but there had been no sign of such. That picture also had.. an uncomfortable vibe.

Turning the knob, stepping into the room; only to fall down to a seemingly deep void. The scene unveiled upon his field of vision was one that most wouldn't like to see. That grotesque scenery, blood dripping from fresh corpses; limbs disassembled, some already decaying bones and more especially her.

Aoi; laying lifeless on the concrete ground. Eyes closed, no sign of breath, no heartbeat, plainly a corpse with missing limbs; laying on top of her carmine liquid. Then who could've that girl been?-

That mansion contained something that no one knew of.

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