II. Akane x Aoi : Seven

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How she held my hand dearly, I remembered it clearly as if it were yesterday yet again.

Who could've thought that such a precious girl like you, hard to get, would be in possession to such a guy as I?

Every aspect of hers was admirable, alluring. She attracted everyone and everything with her charms; she had admirers left and right.

Yet in the end, she still chose a simple guy, one whom posed to be her best friend. I didn't even expect that I would become a special part of her life- it made me glad, a smile was always present on my face whenever I was with her. She was the light in my deep darkness, a hope to cling unto, a reason to live.

From the start- when I met her, I had already been attracted by that blissful smile, she managed to capture my heart.

"A-Ao-san...I..." I breath, looking down on the grassy ground; avoiding eye contact by all means as warmth reached upon my cheeks, "like y-you..." Stuttering, I continued, releasing those feelings I've kept for long, those that grew and harbored inside me slowly as time passed that I spent with her; I fell in love, with my own best friend.

Two times, I've done this twice but there was no difference. Embarrassment still filled my thoughts- but this time, It wasn't a sudden sensation, it wasn't just admiration, it wasn't just a crush of some sort, it was purely the feeling of love towards another person; romance.

She smiled at me, took my hand yet again as her gaze fixated onto mine; she uttered those words I thought I could never hear, "I like you too, Akane-kun." And how happy I was to have a treasure such as she, it was a blessing, a miracle given by thee.

We spent our days, dating but everything was the same. Talks about nonsense, randomness continued like when we were just friends, and no one else could understand; like a secret language of hers and mine. Fun was continuous and she made my heart skip a beat every time we would hold hands or her soft gentle lips touch mine. Ao-san embraced me whenever I was down, I comforted her back when she was.

It was the perfect romance, a beautiful love story, like the tale of a fantasy.

We exchanged promises that we meant to keep.. but it just doesn't go that way. Everything is destined to end one day, promises were meant to be broken one way or the other.

Nothing lasts forever, except the constant change as fate twists everything there is.

We... couldn't last... she had left me behind as I drowned in my own dementia and broke down. I guess, I just really didn't deserve such a girl as her for I was a sensitive, fragile, stupid jerk.. Ao-san deserved better, that's why I let her free. That marked the end of our perfect love story.

A friendship of seven months with mutual hidden feelings, that blossomed into a romance that was perfect for seven months but just didn't work out. Seven, that number, I've remember; that happiness that lasted for seven.

Now, she smiles widely and happily but in the arms of someone who is not me.

Those words she told me once were right, it was worthless for us to be together anyway.

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