Chapter 1

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"Jessy, it's your choice. Either we live with grandma or you work for Jason." I woke up this Saturday shocked by my desperate and hopeless dad's voice. I can't be selfish nor can I lose my dignity by working for a guy who feels nothing but antipathy towards me and my family. I swear he's mentally retarded this guy. I mean what do I have to do with the fact that his father committed suicide ? I have forgiven my dad for what he has done to us by playing poker but Jason , well he has this insane mentality that we were jealous of his father's accomplishments so we decided to drag him along with my father into playing poker ! Honestly , we all wished to be as successful as his father ... But we'd never think of harming him since he was a really good friend for all of us !
Jason's dad, Alex, loaned my dad $40,000 a year ago before Alex himself played poker.
We can't live with grandma ! She lives with 47 cats and 12 dogs in a deserted area which scares the pee out of me. I know it's our sole solution , I mean she can afford to pay for my brother's tuition since my sister Elsa has a scholarship in one of France's universities. As for me , well I graduated last year and I guess i'll have to spend some years at home before I enter university. Grandma is the only person who didn't shut the doors right in our faces. My boyfriend Sam immediately broke up with me the minute I told him the truth and my only best friend Maria ditched me since I no longer belonged to the upper class.

Now Jason was actually my first crush when I was 12 years old. We used to play "snake" together whenever his parents came over. Gosh I can never forget his handsome face !
I really wanted to yell at my father for dragging me into this but first I love him and second he's way too sick to work for Jason instead of me.
I wore my black hoodie , my blue jeans and my doctor martins I had bought two years ago and I was ready to face My Boss Jason.

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