Chapter 11

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I heard Jason's voice. I woke up. I was injured but it wasn't a big deal. The pain vanished after taking this disgusting medicine. Before I could even open my eyes widely I was finally able to understand what Jason was saying :

"What happened to you ! I thought Isabelle was the mentally sick one not you. How on earth did you plan to visit the person who hates you the most. You could have told me at least. Any way how irresponsible ! How did they leave her by herself !

I answered mockingly :

"Hey. I'm fine. Glad you asked. Don't worry honey , i'll live. If not , you can take my laptop and my toothbrush. "

"Ha ha very funny. Does it hurt ?"

"No. I'm fine. What about you ?"

"I'm leaving today."

"Great , me too right ?"

"Yeah bozo. "

I glared at him angrily then laughed audibly.

Later that afternoon , I received a message from the Mental Health Center in which they apologized and invented some irrelevant excuses.

Next week , in commemoration of Alex's death I'll have to be by Jason's side. It will be awkward. Especially that my parents will be present.

I heard a knock on my door. I thought it was my brother Elio whom I really missed. It's been a while since we haven't spent some quality time together. We are the crazy siblings. We would take videos of us pranking Elsa or even hiding my dad's eyeglasses. Last time we hid them somewhere and then we totally forgot were we placed them. We blamed it on dad for we made sure he'd think that he lost them at the supermarket. I miss those days.

To my surprise it was Jason. He had his hand wrapped up and I could hear him squeak the minute his hand accidentally touched the door.

Handsome as always.

"Hello dear girlfriend."

"I'm your girlfriend now ?"

"Not yet. Tonight you'll be. "

"Are you taking me out on a date ?"

"Yeah a second first date honey. "

"You are crazy. Go get some rest. "

"Bla bla bla."

"Do you need any help ?"

"In what ? Getting dressed up ? Yeah please. "

"I mean for your father's day silly."

"Shat. I thought wrong. Though it was worth a try. "

"I'm serious. "

"Can you write a speech ? My dad loved you. You even shared secrets and nicknames."

"I don't know. I'm not really good at giving speeches."

"You are. It's an order. You will."

I couldn't deceive him. So I nodded.

And that's when he took me into his one arm and hugged me tightly. I wish this moment lasted forever.

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