Chapter 2

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I am terrified.
Dad told me about this guy named Jason and he told me how much hate he has towards us.
What if he slaps me right in the face ? I mean I can't slap him back since he's my boss and I need this job so bad.

Ughh I wish I was selfish enough to make grandma pay her son's debts ! But she needed money for her surgery so I'm not certain our relatives are altruistic enough to pay the bills.

I parked my car , asked God to help me through this and then climbed the stairs in order to be welcomed by my foe.(He considers me his enemy so yeah I have the right to call him my enemy too.)
You might think that I'm the ideal Drama Queen but I just can't bear any insults!

When I arrived , the hottest man alive (after Zac Efron 😝) welcomed me. He has thick , shaggy blonde hair that hangs loosely over his brow bone and sweeps to the right hand side. He was so elegant and his green eyes crushed my self-esteem. I swear he has the most overwhelming shades of green.
To my surprised he welcomed me with a wide smile and presented himself :
"Good morning , I'm Mr. Jason. Nice to meet you. You must be Miss Coleman right ?"

WHATTTT I'm not Miss Coleman ! This explains his warm greetings ! Damn , shall I lie ?? I must lie ! I should tell him that I'm Miss Coleman then I should disappear forever. I mean grandma can pay him $40000. (I knew she can't but I was desperate.)
After spacing out which was definitely awkward I said :

"Yes.." And then I was interrupted by the real Miss Coleman.
They talked for a while and then Jason spoke : "I'm sorry I thought you were her. To be honest , they told me that she's really pretty so that's why I thought you were Miss Coleman. "
I blushed and prepared my self to say the death sentence as hastily as I could :


*A moment of silence*

"Then get the hell out of here. You can't talk to me. There are workers to whom you shall talk and they shall tell you where you peasant shall work. "

Too many "shall"s I thought.
What a bastard ! I already hate him even though his hotness prohibits me from breathing normally.
The problem is that I can't slap him in the face. All I could say was " I'll leave this block. Thanks for the previous compliment though. "

Whaaattt why did I say so !! Omg I should learn how to shut my garrulous mouth !

Full of anger , anxiety , depression , hate and all those mixed emotions I enter a room in which an array of documents and papers was presented in front of me.
I notice that Jason's desk was in the room in front of me. I was informed that the block I was kicked out from is where "Mister Bean" aka as Jason Bean observes the well qualified workers and the room in front of me is where he rests. Weird right ?

When I was about to call my mother to vanish her exaggerated worries , a pretty girl interrupted me. I smiled. She spoke. A lot.

"Whoever you are just know that my boyfriend hates you so do I. You're not allowed to glance at him. I'm also your boss and you bastard shall obey me. One more thing , your skinny jeans is so out of fashion. And don't you dare call him Jason. You call him "Mister Bean " and no it's not funny. Actually you shouldn't call him at all. He wouldn't enjoy listening to your squeaky voice any way. We could have been married by now but your dad couldn't postpone playing his dirty trick of leading Alex to death so we postponed our marriage . You killed his father and I don't care if you deny it. Whatever I say is right. It's always like this in this company. Clear ?"

What The Hell. I was so ready to bruise her nose , kick her arse and
pull her perfect hair.

I was ready to face her , I wanted to show her that Jason is the only boss in here and she has no right to talk to me.
With a confident tone I replied : "Transparently clear. "

Yup , I was way too confident. Yeyy two bossy bosses ! Yeyy ! Shit.

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