Chapter 13

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Cancer is what I fear the most. I believe that we all want to cancel cancer. We need it to get cancer itself and then die. We wish we could but we can't. However , with all those scientific discoveries , cancer is curable.

I hope Elsa doesn't suffer from lung cancer because I've recently finished a series in which the girl named Sarah died painfully from lung cancer despite the fact that her mother , Ghada was a billionaire and was able to get her all type of medicine to cure her. She has ingested too much medication , mostly Morphine but despite all the facilities she had , she died.

I took a very deep breath after spacing out for like 10 minutes.
I don't know what to say. Elsa is my sister , my best friend , my family. She's the one who never forgot my birthday. She used to throw me surprise birthday parties every year. She did her best to make me happy. She shed an amazing light on my life. She taught me how to face the obstacles of my tough life. She never gave up on me. She was the closest one to me when my best friends left me alone desperate and broken. She was one of those ideal sisters who , no matter what , will stay by your side. Of course we fight. Of course we get angry at each other. Of course we say maledictions and we even hit each other. But that's what sisterhood is all about. Despite everything , there's an eternal love and an eternal bond among the siblings.

I cried. A lot. I couldn't imagine my life without Elsa. I already cry everyday for , she lives away from me. I already miss her and I wait for her every summer impatiently.

Before I imagine her funeral and all those unbearable scenes , I had to make sure she has the strength to eradicate the pain of cancer and survive.

"Elsa, we're in the 21st century and everything has a solution. First pray. Second know that chemotherapy can help you a lot. You're in France , it's easy to overcome this disease. You can do it. You have to. Believe in God. Believe in yourself. "

"Darling , cancer destroyed me. My immune system is very weak. There's no way I can make it. I'll be back to live the rest of my life with you guys. Most importantly , don't tell mom and dad. I beg you. I'll be here by tomorrow night. I traveled to Spain and Italy along with my boyfriend. It was my last wish. I'm grateful no matter what. Stay Strong Jess. Much love , goodbye. "

Now ladies and gentlemen , am I supposed to be okay with such a situation ? Am I supposed to welcome this idea coldly believing that this is God's will ? It's not his will. He doesn't want us to die. He loves us. It's just this unbearable evil witch named life.

I want to spend every single minute with Elsa. I'll always be by her side. Forever and Always. I love her. I need her.

Of course I didn't sleep. I was in a state of complete bewilderment. I prayed a lot that night waiting for the sun to shine.

Do you know what ? My life sucks. We were informed this morning , 2
hours after I stopped talking with Elsa that she died.

Mom , on the count of three fainted. Dad , on the count of two was transferred into the hospital. I, on the count of one shouted loudly , turned red and fell into Jason's arms. Jason came over the minute the neighbors spread the news.

I wore black. I stood up as strong as Elsa wanted me to be. I didn't check up on dad nor on mom since they were both accompanied by Jason's relatives.
Elio. The youngest of us all. He suffered enough I know. I need to help him get through this.
My first thought was reading him what "Lang Leav" once said :

Broken Hearts

I know you've lost someone and it hurts. You may have lost them suddenly, unexpectedly. Or perhaps you began losing pieces of them until one day, there was nothing left. You may have known them all your life or you may have barely known them at all. Either way, it is irrelevant - you cannot control the depth of a wound another soul inflicts upon you.

Which is why I am not here to tell you tomorrow is another day. That the sun will go on shining. Or there are plenty of fish in the sea. What I will tell you is this; it's okay to be hurting as much as you are. What you are feeling is not only completely valid but necessary - because it makes you so much more human. And though I can't promise it will get better any time soon, I can tell you that it will - eventually. For now, all you can do is take your time. Take all the time you need.

I'm not sure if Elio completely understood what Lang Leav meant but I'm sure it helped. I hugged him tightly and left the room giving him some time alone.

I was expecting to hear someone inform us about Elsa's death but not that early. I was expecting Jason , whom I was definitely planning on telling him the next day , to question all possible doctors on Earth.

Life is so challenging. It's so hard. In one single second , it took my sister's breath away. I'll miss Elsa but at least she didn't have to suffer from cancer for a really long period of time. She had lung cancer. All her friends in Paris knew about her case and were always there for her. She stopped university a month ago. She believed that telling us will make us worry for nothing. She knew that dad would ignore his health problems and run after every single doctor begging him for cure. Illogical. She knew that mom wouldn't understand the fact that Elsa would rather die peacefully in her bed instead of dying in an uncomfortable hospital bed surrounded by machines which have no feeling nor pity on you. She died peacefully. I know she regrets not meeting us for the last time and same goes for us.

Mom isn't taking this whole story well. She keeps calling Elsa on her phone waiting for an answer. She would cook all of Elsa's favorite meals waiting for her arrival.

Dad is still at the hospital.

Elio is writing a letter for Elsa. He's stronger than I expected him to be.

I was sleeping on Jason's lap emotionless and shocked.

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