Chapter 14

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Today is the day of the funeral. Tomorrow is Alex's memorial ceremony. Two mournful events. What a life.

I dressed up elegantly hoping to look like my sister. She had dark green eyes just like mine except that my eyes were wider than her amazing eyes. We looked alike in a way or another but today and for the first time I felt like I was Elsa's copy. I thought that this could help my parents overcome this unbearable event. After spacing out, my tear was on the brink of falling down but gladly Elio entered my room and that's when I realized the importance of staying strong in front of this sweetheart who is in a state of complete bewilderment and sadness. Elio had black eyes and black hair and doesn't resemble us a lot. He looks so cute with his crooked teeth that lay askew in his mouth. I hugged him tightly and he said :

"Jessy , do you believe in the afterlife ?"

"Honey that's the purpose of our life. We live on Earth and we act decently in order to guarantee a house for us in the after life. I can't really tell you what it's like but I can assure you that it's the best place ever. "

"How does it look like and what does it contain ?"

"I can't tell you because I don't know. I only know what it doesn't contain. "

"Tell me. "

"There's no war , no lies , no poker , no drugs , no murder , no kidnapping , no abuse , no discrimination , no poverty , no famine , no bullies ...."

"Then Elsa will be happy right ?"

"More than happy. Keep on praying for her. She deserves the best. "

We hugged and went down the stairs waiting for Jason's arrival.

I don't really know if I'm ready to farewell my adorable sister but I knew it's not my choice.

Why did this happen so fast ? She was expecting to live longer.

No one spoke. We were all silent the whole time until we arrived to church. My mom looked older than two days ago. My dad could barely walk so that's why Jason and Sam(awkward) had to carry him to the inside. I noticed Maria waving at me so I waved back hoping that she wouldn't talk to me right now. Maria was Elsa's friend before befriending me. I appreciate her coming though I still have some hate for her. The church was full. My family and I sat in the front along with my grandma. My cousins , wearing the most elegant clothes you can ever think of , sat behind us. I was about to scream "Get the hell out of here , you should have remembered Elsa before her death" but mom looked at me desperately as if she needed to tell me not to do so , so I remained silent.

I prayed a lot. A lot. To my surprise , two mean girls , who literarily reminded me of Regina George entered. I remembered them. One of them was the ex of Elsa's boyfriend so they used to bully her and prank her indefatigably. Don't worry Elsa was self-confident and ignored them almost all the time. I like the fact that they came to apologize. Hopefully.

I had to give a speech but couldn't find the words that could describe my love towards Elsa. So I simply said :

"Every one says that you cannot enjoy your life without a sister , without a friend and without a role model. Elsa was a sister , a friend and a role model and I'm grateful for having her in my life. She left us at age of 24. Too young I know. Ladies and gentlemen this is life. Life can control you. You either die or live and it's not your choice. So I'll accept this fact and wish Elsa a happy after life because spending the rest of my life crying over her won't make her appear on Earth again. She'll always be in my heart and in my mind because a sister like her is gone but never forgotten. Thank you. "

I could hear my mom's weeping and seeing her in such a state made me cry too.

A minute later , a really handsome guy walked towards the front to say his speech. It was Elsa's boyfriend. She loved him. My parents used to love him too though I regret the fact that I barely know him. He used to visit us occasionally when Elsa lived in Lebanon. Now , actually before Elsa's death , he visited us twice a month when he had a business trip.

He commenced :

"This angel laying in this coffin was supposed to be my fiancé. We even planned for our wedding. I loved her with all my heart. A blessing sent from above. An angel. A sweetheart. A once upon a time true love. I have no idea what to do without her but I need her to wear our engagement ring. This ring , I will never ever remove it from my finger. I love Elsa."

I never thought that Elsa would get married before graduating from university. She never talked about marriage though we all knew that her future was with this handsome guy who

How romantic. How touching. That's the best thing that could ever happen. He placed the ring on Elsa's finger and then kissed her goodbye.

Every body clapped and the weeping of her French best friends echoed everywhere.

We closed the coffin and buried her praying and crying simultaneously.

As we left , one of her French best friends handed me a box and told me to read what's written inside alone. He was the only one who knew about the letter inside the box because Elsa gave it to him days before she had cancer.


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