Chapter 1

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You are cordially invited to the Commencement Ceremony, honoring the graduating class of Fairweather University. The ceremony  is being held May 31st and begins promptly at 4PM on the front lawn.

This is it, Evangeline Charon breathed, her pulse audible in her ears. With a sudden gust of wind, her blond hair falls from its perfection and tumbles around her face. As though breathing life to her thoughts, Evangeline gasps in releasing a breath she didn't know she was holding. She had finally accomplished her goal. Four years toiling away, hundred if not seemingly thousands of papers written. Now, just a few meager hours laid between her and the start of her new life. Her life in the world of an adult.

Regardless of the amount of sweat she had injected into her work or the number of tears that have fallen, shed over sleepless nights and stressful days. Evangeline stood there, proud and still, she was terrified. She knew this world. No longer was she a stranger to late nights, study groups, and group projects. University had pulled her from her shell, no longer the meek and quiet human. That morning, she looked in the mirror and felt she no longer recognized who was gazing back. Yet, the image mockingly copied all her movements. She had been in awe of who she was, the woman she was.

The sound of an approaching car roused her from her thoughts. "Where is she?! Where is my darling, sweet Evie!!"

Evangeline couldn't help but smile at her mom. She was harmless but you'd think she had never seen her daughter before. No, it was worse - she hadn't seen her in a night.

"Hi, Mom! Hiya, Dad!" she says, mildly rolling her eyes. She watched as her mom didn't even wait for the car to stop, practically leaping out and running towards her. Evangeline giggled when her mom's shoe caught an invisible lip in the pathway, causing her to trip. Her mom was able to catch herself but looks at Evangeline. In a calculated move, she pantomimes falling, only to pose triumphantly.

"How's my snuggy-wuggy, strong girl doing? Are you excited?" her mom asks, squeezing Evangeline into an embrace and squishing her face with her forefinger and thumb. Evangeline looked at her mom and stopped as she gazed into her hazel eyes, searching the visage of the woman who gave her life. She was taller than her mom but it wasn't hard to do. At 5' 5", her mom floated between average and above average height. She had given up dying her hair years ago, Evangeline believes it may have stopped shortly after she graduated high school. Since surrendering to her age, her mom's hair had become silver. She kept it long and Evangeline was mesmerized as she watched it swing around her, a halo for an angelic woman.

"Mooooom! Stop it, will ya?" Evangeline pleads, though secretly loving every ounce of affection. She can't help but have a huge smile stretch across her face. She had fought it at first but found herself powerless to the quirky pull her parents had. They kept her grounded, kept her safe. As long as she was there, she wasn't quite an adult. She didn't quite have to embrace the long, solo road that laid ahead of her. That wall was looming. For now, she could stay on the kiddie-wall.

Her mom looked as though she might burst with pride. "Ooh Evie, how many times can you say your genius daughter graduates university? I am just tickled! By the way, have you found an apartment for your new job? Oh, to move to the city, this is just how you planned!"

Just like that, in the bat of an eye, reality slammed into her. Evangeline is starting in a week as the newest Junior Associate at Hughes International, a firm with global presence. Having a job at this firm would undoubtedly open doors of opportunities. Fling them wide, is more like it. She had to report to the office in a week, but for now that was the furthest thing from her mind.

"Mom, please. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I mean, you never know. I could be forgotten and not graduate. I could end up running away to Abu Dhabi, never to return. I could even trip on an invisible bump and it ended far worse from me than it did you." She smirked at her mom, the corners of her mouth curling, a dimple forming on the right side of her mouth. Her eyes danced and sparkled with play.

The reference was not lost on her mom, "Evangeline Charon, you will not patronize your mother that way! Besides, who knows? Maybe I tripped on a faery." Her mom's eyes began to sparkle right back.

"Now, now, honey, don't you think our ADULT daughter is too old for myths and faery tales," Evangeline's dad quotes. His head finally peaks over her mom's, his green eyes shining with pride for her accomplishments, reflecting back to her. Evangeline's dad was a stately 6' 3", towering over both her and her mom. Even as time passed, his spark and zest for life never faded. He kept his face clean shaven except for the winter months. As the chill of winter came knocking on the door, her dad made quick work of inspiring his beard to grow. It was as though by magic. Evangeline felt as though she'd feel a bite to the air, blink, and her dad was sporting a bushman beard.

Evangeline quickly shook herself from her reverie, smiling back at her parents. Oh, how they adore her. "Yeah, Mom. You stopped telling me those stories when I was, what, 5?" She began to giggle, pulling her hand to her mouth.

Her mom scoffed, "You listen, you two. You never know. The Fae are....

"Everywhere! We know, Mom. You never let us forget it," Evangeline interrupts her mom. She passes a knowing look with her dad and catches him shaking his head slightly, a look of adoration covering his face. He was the roots of their family, but her mom was all that was fun, adventurous, and wonder. The magic of the world was never lost on her mom. "C'mon, guys. We better start moving everything down so we have time to get to the Commencement."

Leading the way, Evangeline walks up the stairway to her dormitory for the final time.


After about an hour, the final box was packed and sent down with her parents to the car. Evangeline stood in the dorm room, scanning the now barren space that held so many memories. She looks over to her desk, where she spent hours studying politics and finance, economics and philosophy. Her gaze shifts to the empty couch, once home to a mountain of pillows and a place of, "Netflix and chill" for her and her roommate. A smile inches across her mouth as her eyes land on the kitchenette, reflecting on the meals prepared. It was so tangible that she could smell the aromas wafting into the room. Wait a minute, that wasn't a memory...

"Chinese food, a favorite food for a favorite daughter!" her dad grinned, his arms carrying the expected plastic bags, chock full of the food she adored. Evangeline couldn't help but chuckle, her mom trailing behind him with a carrier of drinks.

Looking up, her mom sees her glee and returns her joy. "Your dad and I only thought it fitting that we celebrate you in your room before we close this chapter. Whadaya say?"

How could she say no? Before Evangeline stood her mom and dad. The two people in the world who would move Heaven and Earth if it meant her happiness. She had observed her parents sacrifice and toil to help her with college, even just a small amount. With a broad smile, Evangeline said the only thing she could think to say: "Let's eat!"

She and her parents cut open the plastic bags, spreading their feast across the recently cleaned counters of the kitchenette. With all the dishes and cutlery packed away, they used the take-out containers and procured chopsticks. Laughing and reminiscing on the last four years, they shared their meals, the intoxicating smells of budget Chinese filling the air. Evangeline's icy blue eyes danced and sparkled with happiness, overwhelmed by the day.

Little did she know, someone on campus was acutely aware of her presence. Having returned from officer retreat, his bright green eyes peered towards the window of her dorm room. 

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