o n e

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a/n: just this one. someone begged to update so i'm posting chapter one only. just this chapter and i'll post the rest at the end of the month

most of the reference material i used is in the anime adaptation. this chapter is kind of short, but the next ones are long already. i apologise for that

the chapters will be alternating in time setting. you'll find it out soon.

p r e s e n t

ɢʀᴀᴅᴜᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴅᴀʏ

3ʀᴅ ʏᴇᴀʀ ʙᴜɪʟᴅɪɴɢ (ʜᴀʟʟᴡᴀʏ)

10:21 ᴀᴍ

I would rather have my mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.

                                                                                    - Gerry S.

The day that he feared the most came. 

No matter what he did, he couldn't avoid it. After all, she's going in the the Tower Academy.  He couldn't imagine himself in a life without (y/n).

He was on the floor, hugging his knees and repetitively sobbed until a certain blonde in ponytail approached him.

"Aren't you Jihyun Han, my twin's friend?" He felt a pat on his head. He raised his gaze meeting hers and in an instant, he jolted upward.

"Ra-rachel Kang?" Bam was startled. "I need to go with your sister! Do you have any idea where did she went? She needs me." He voice was trembling, tears were still fresh in his face.

"She needs you?" Rachel tilted her face before smiling. "You know, Han." She paused for a moment. "Wait, I should be using Bam if that's what you're comfortable with."

Rachel turned around, a smile still laced on her lips. She was staring ahead, her back facing on him.

"(y/n) doesn't need everyone, not even you." Bam only gave her an unimpressed look as Rachel continued. "She prefer to be on a journey alone. But I never thought that an antisocial person like her. . ." The blonde turned around, her hands hidden behind her back and smirked.

". . .would manage to have a friend." Bam took a step backwards when Rachel scooted closer. Nervousness was drawn all over his face. When Rachel's face was close enough, she whispered on his ear . "Her only friend."

The blonde pulled herself away and giggled. Bam was getting uncomfortable ."However, if you're really that persistent on following her, I suggest you enter the Tower Academy when you reach high school."

He looked directly into her sharp yellow eyes.

"Can't I advance a year? I want to be a high school this instant." 

Rachel suppressed a laughter and answered. "Silly. You can't. You need to finish one last year in middle school before you can study at the Tower." Bam heaved a sigh, a sullen look was evident on his face.

1 school year is really long. (y/n), just wait. I'll reunite with you again.

His thoughts were interrupted when Rachel spoke again. "I didn't know what my twin has done to you but you must be pretty obsessed." Bam ignored her words, prompting the blonde to walk the opposite direction. She bid goodbye and told him her last words. 

"If we're al both lucky, we might see each other at the Tower. And don't even try following me. I don't live with (y/n) anymore." And with that, Rachel disappeared from his sight. 

What is she supposed to mean?

He ran his fingers through his hair in annoyance. He need to push his knowledge and effort to pass the entrance examination, once he'll  finish middle school. To be with her means everything to him. However, a question was still not answered. 

What are the twins hiding from me? (y/n) couldn't just leave and only tell me that she wants to go in the Tower Academy. She has reasons for sure.

In the end, Bam has decided. He doesn't care anymore. He needs to advance a grade so he would have the same level as (y/n) and get into the Tower Academy in an instant. Forcing his father, Jahad Han, the school director of the Tower is his only choice. He doesn't want to take the exam anymore. Bam wants to be in the Tower, the same day as (y/n) would be there.

a/n: thoughts?

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