t h r e e

266 23 11

p r e s e n t

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7:19 ᴘᴍ

The evening was a quiet one, except for the clattering of the cutlery. There were only two people sitting across each other, silently eating. Bam has already finished his own food. He stole a glance at his foster father, Jahad Han who was enjoying his dinner with awine.

Bam's hands clay cold and stiff. For a while he heard nothing. Then he became aware of his own breathing. His father was waiting for him to speak. After all, he had told Jahad that he got something important to tell. His mouth opened and was about to start when a servant drew closer on his father's side.

"Mr. Han, your son is about to enter."

"Let him in." Jahad spoke nonchalantly as the door opened, revealing a tall, green-haired male wrapped in a blanket. Bam's eyes widened in surprise. He didn't expected Lauroe to come at this hour.

"This is the first time you had join us for dinner, Lauroe. What's with the sudden change?" Jahad wiped some remnants on the corner of his lips, still not looking at the green-haired male. Laurie's half-lidded eyes scanned the whole room, checking for something unusual before he headed on his usual seat.

"I just wanted to." He muttered a reply as a maid pulled out a chair for him.

Bam couldn't still believe l. He had countless of questions in his mind. Shouldn't Laurie be sleeping right now? Did he just got enough stamina to walk out from his bed?
After a minute of silence, Jahad Han spoke. "Anyway, Jihyun is about to tell something important. You might want to hear it with me."

The green-haired sloth gave a flat look at Bam then back at Jahad. He only shrugged.

Bam cleared up his throat prompting that he was about to talk. "Dad. I want to enter the Tower Academy."

Jahad lifted up his gaze, staring intently at the youngest member of the Han group.

"Tell me Jihyun. What do you desire for?"

The blonde man was wondering why did it such became an important thing to tell that his son wants to enter the Tower. Jahad raised the wine glass to his eye level and examined his reflection on it

Bam inhaled sharply and said, "I desire nothing but to follow (y/n). She wants to enter the Tower."

It was always that girl. Jahad had heard her name a lot from his son, Jihyun. The Tower director knows that this is Jihyun's only playmate. But she had never shown herself, not even once. He is certain that this girl is not an imaginary person. He had heard from Jihyun many times that this girl is his senior. Jahad placed his wine glass back to its place, still half-full.

"You did not say that to provoke laughter, did you? You're too young to enter highschool." Lauroe stayed silent, stabbing some chunk of grilled mutton on his plate.

"I am not joking." Bam stood up firmly and continued. "I know you can transfer me and fix my papers. You own the Tower Academy after all." His brows were furrowed as he insisted.

Lauroe only sighed as he stared at his fork. He decided to speak. "You really wanted to follow her. Is this a love declaration?" The green-haired male was of course, curious. He's talking about (y/n) non-stop that it makes him think Jihyun has gotten himself a lover.

Bam denied and shook his head. "No. I belong to her."

Lauroe almost choked at his reply. Jahad was about to take a bite on his dinner but paused upon hearing those.

"You'll be having an appointment with a psychologist tomorrow." Jahad rose from his seat. He was about to walk away from the table but Bam had stopped him.

"I'll be seeing a doctor tomorrow but you need to fix my papers first and place me as a highschool student." They were staring at each other's gazes and Bam doesn't want to let his father go not until he'll get what he wanted. After all, he's doing this for (y/n). He's going to save her in the Tower.

Jahad regained his composure and replied, "Alright, if you insist."

The young teenage boy smiled upon hearing the words. He can't wait to reunite again with (y/n). The girl who gave his life a meaning. He wishes to see and stay with her just like before. And he'll let her know that.

Jahad made his way towards the exit, leaving the brothers some private space to talk.

Lauroe initiated. "Be careful, Jihyun. The Tower is really dangerous especially if you fail. Father can't save anyone even if it's his own son."

"Of course. I'm not planning to do that. I still wanted to see (y/n)."

And with that, the green-haired sloth also rose from his seat and walk outside of the room. He wants to catch up with Jahad. After opening the door, Lauroe saw that the blonde man was waiting for him. He stepped forward and asked.

"Why did you agreed?" He looked at the Tower director with wary eyes. For a moment, they slowly walked away from the dining room, making sure that Bam won't hear them.

"Are you against it?"

"No. I'm just curious."

Jahad shot a glance at Lauroe and let out a small chuckle. Lauroe couldn't make out what this man is thinking.

"I just wanted to know more about the girl who influenced Jihyun that much. . ." He paused and gazed at the dining room behind them. ". . .and Jihyun is capable of handling things in the tower. He is very intellectual person."

"You know that he'll be in the same year level with me. You want me to enter the Tower after all." Lauroe muttered and showed no emotion. He watched every movement and actions the blonde man did. Pulling out a device, the screen illuminated on Jahad's face as he pressed something.

"I don't see that as a problem. That's why you'll be there to watch him for me."

Jahad then brought his phone closer to his ear as a voice broke out from the other line. Lauroe wondered who could that be.

"Is there anything I could do sir?"

"Do a research on (y/n) Kang. I want the information tomorrow."

"Yes, sir."

And the call ended, leaving the green-haired male in his deep thoughts.

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