s e v e n

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a/n: finally got to the main setting and the 'head-ranker' term is not canon

p r e s e n t

ᴛᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍʏ


7:40 ᴀᴍ

"I welcome our newcomers for passing the examination. We are glad to have you. Welcome to the Tower Academy!"

A rabbit-looking man says, his voice echoed through the microphone stand. Meters away from the raised platform where the speaker stands, are the small crowd of 1st years, seated on the row of chairs.

"I am Headon, the head ranker of this academy. Wish you all a good luck---"

A deafening blare sound was suddenly heard and in an instant, the students covered their ears. Headon was startled for a moment when he realized that the microphone is now in the hands of a familiar looking boy. When the commotion stopped, the students raised their heads, only to see that the head ranker is now accompanied by a 1st year student on the stage.

"Hey, isn't that the guy that was stopped by a guard earlier?"

"Cool! He stole the mic from the head ranker?! Such a brave act."

"Just look at Mr. Headon's reaction! Hahaha!"

Eyebrows furrowed in disappointment, Lauroe pinched the bridge of his nose as he shook his head. This was such a shame act. He couldn't figure out what is going on inside his younger brother's mind.

"First day and you're already drawing a lot of attention."

The green-haired male sighed as he eyed the students around him then back at Bam who is on the stage.

"Hello. . . everyone. . . " He breathed out. His voice wasn't that loud nor too soft. Bam managed to get everyone in silence. He's also grateful that Headon has let him take the mic and that he still remembers him.

Headon has served the Han family for decades and he rarely sees the child because he had no interest on him at the first place. But if Headon hadn't known him, he might have kicked the frail-looking student out of the stage already. And so, the head ranker stood beside him, waiting on what will the young Han say.

"I am looking for a student named (y/n) Kang. She's also a first year student with a (h/c) hair and she's like this tall. . . " Bam stated as he envisioned (y/n)'s height while motioning his hand.

"Oh and also...!" He pulled out a small remote and pressed something on it. The curtains on the stage suddenly opened, showing a huge projector with an exact size like those in cinema screens.

"That's her." A photo of the girl he seeks was flashed on the gigantic screen.

"(y/n)'s an intelligent girl and I'm sure she passed the entrance exam. Could someone please tell me if you ever saw this girl? That would mean a lot to me. Thank you."

Bam bowed and glanced on the crowd of the students who were checking on each other. Several minutes has already passed since he entered the academy but he never saw even a glimpse of the girl he seeks. He was sure of it. He was sure that (y/n) is already here somewhere.

Stepping from the podium away, Bam is greeted by Headon.

"Fancy meeting you here, Jihyun Han. I almost didn't recognized you."

Bam scooted closer to Headon and whispered. "Keep it low, Mr. Headon. I'm keeping my identity as a secret and so as Lauroe."

Headon nodded silently, keeping his calm demeanor. "I will not ask you the reason behind that. However, avoid stealing my microphone away on stage again."

And Headon decided not to tell this to the school director. He's going to let it slide today.


5 minutes earlier. . .

I moved more quickly, nearly running as I came into the large auditorium where the opening ceremony held.

There are students everywhere and their families must be in some high-status roles in society, judging from how they acted. But I didn't come here to gawk at them and so, I scanned the vicinity for an empty seat.

Initially, it was hard to walk properly, with these fake glasses. I felt like my vision  is partially blocked and my eyes are starting to get tired. But I need to use this useless accessory because from now on, it will be part of my identity as. . .

"Watch your step, four-eyed turtle!" 

My gaze met a threatening look from a tall, male student with a dark, reddish skin complexion. I studied him for a moment. 

He's actually annoying.

"Sorry. If you'll excuse me. Opening ceremony will start." I abruptly said, avoiding him. He is noisy. Too much noise for me to bear. I could hear him shouting 'hey, four-eyed turtle' from afar.

Once I spotted an empty seat, I held on it and sat. I found myself sitting  to a male, wrapped with blankets and eyes closed. He is sleeping soundly and still. I get it. Odd students exist here too. Too odd to bring blankets and pillow in a very great academy.

The chattering and the noise went down when someone spoke from the podium. 

"I welcome our newcomers for passing the examination. We are glad to have you, exceptional students. Welcome to the Tower Academy."

I glanced beside, checking if the sleeping beauty has awaken. 

Still not.

"I am Headon, the head ranker of this academy. Wish you all a good luck--- "

There was a  high-pitch deafening sound that almost grated my eardrums. I covered my ears as quick as flash. What did just happen---

Holy freak. . .

I took my glasses off and rubbed my eyes, not believing what I just saw. It's very impossible to see Bam on stage taking microphone away from Headon. Are these lenses trying to make fun of me?

The sleeping beauty beside me suddenly rose. His half-lidded eyes were replaced with pure shock and disappointment, as if he knows the student on stage. And here I thought I'm imagining things.

"Hello. . .everyone. . ."

I locked my gaze on him nervously. I didn't know he is the speaker of today's ceremony or is he really?

"I am looking for a student named (y/n) Kang. She's a 1st year student with (h/c) hair and she's like this tall."

I mentally flinched. Good thing I never spilled my real name on him. He's publicly sharing my information and this is somewhat embarrassing.

But the show hasn't ended yet. The stage curtains suddenly opened which was of course, operated by Baam. A large screen with my face projected on it was shown. OK, MY FACE IS VERY HUGE ON THAT SCREEN.

And I was grateful for the 2nd time, that I changed my appearance. That I looked completely different to the person on the huge screen.

Everyone started to exchange glances and other's shrugged.

Bam stepped behind as Headon reclaimed his microphone. Despite the very awkward scene earlier, he still managed to continue his speech as one of the staffs handed each student a handbook. After sometime, Headon ended with a line that nearly killed me for a second.

"Let's hope that the lad here will find his girlfriend, wherever she is right now."

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