...not so important...

158 9 6

Who was I tagged by?


What's my zodiac?

libra. i do not see the importance of zodiac signs

What is my favorite game?

resident evil Series in PlayStation. it's the main reason i have hard time updating here in Wattpad. my addiction to this survival horror game has gone worse

Favorite song/artist?

shinzuo wo sasageyo by linked horizon. this has been my fav song and artist for almost 4 years.

Say something to my fans/followers:

wait. do i even have fans? lol. i might have followers but fans is too flattering. anyway, i hope my followers have been doing great. (i just lost one follower and i got no idea why.)

Either say a 'did you know' fact or a joke:

did u know that I badly wanted to marry mikasa ackerman?

Tag 20 people:


that's all i wanna tag. i'm lazy.

and to the readers of this book, sorry for the delay of updates. i just published another tog fic and now, my attention is divided. sucks :'>

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