Take a break

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It was a rainy day, as expected, all the girls remained inside the house. Except Cleve's, who was trying to leave the house to take some pictures, as she said with confidence ‘ Everything is prettier when it's raining! ’ although Kat was trying to bring her best friend back in the house in fear she'll get sick.

Apart from Cleve's, everyone was relaxing inside doing their usual hobbies. Jane was painting, Aragon was looking through countries to visit, and likewise, Parr was deeply focused on her writing.

Parr was always the odd one in her family, while everyone spent their time outside doing sports, or playing instruments, Cathy would be the one inside, all alone, writing her heart away. She was judged a lot by her family members, not in a mean way, but enough to make Catherine feel out of place. So when she met Six, she felt at home and as if she did belong with them.

That's what makes Six so special, different girls with different passions and hobbies. They're all so unique in many ways, and they are loved by many people around the world.

They all had their ups and downs, disagreements and fights. But Six always stayed together, no matter what happens.

Well, at the moment, there wasn't anything planned due to the rain. So everyone stayed inside, except Kat and Cleve's who were soaking wet outside.

" Girls! Get back inside! " Jane scolded the two girls, the usual soft and gentle tone in her voice gone as it was replaced with anger and a tinge of worry. She was the mom of the group, everyone knew that. Parr was always so observant with her surroundings, even when writing, she can't help but unintentionally eavesdrop on certain conversations that happen around her.

Today was no exception as half her focus was on writing, and the other half on what was happening around her.

Footsteps were heard and the two wet girls came inside the house, shaking and dripping. " I-it's Anna's fault! " Kat's voice trembled from the cold, not many knew, but Kat really hated the cold. Whilst Cleve's really loved the cold, as she always had the air conditioning on and windows open.

The two were total opposites, it still surprises everyone to how the two became best friends.

Parr couldn't help but smile a little, her friends were always so weird. " Sorry Kit, I really am. Let's just get dried up and I'll make you feet better by preparing your favorite hot chocolate. " Cleve's promised her angered friend, Kat forgave the girl and the two went to get dried up.

Suddenly, Parr felt a pair of hands wrap around her shoulders. She looked up to see her loving girlfriend, Anne Boleyn. She smiled.

" Hello, Anne. " Parr spoke with a soft voice, Anne leaned down and pecked her on the lips. Parr giggled and proceeded to go back to her writing.

" Take a break, and have some snacks with me in the kitchen. " Anne said, trying to pull her girlfriend away from her writing and to give some attention to her.

Cathy nodded. " I'm on my way. " yet, her eyes still remained on the notebook she continued to write on.

Anne tried again. " There's a little surprise, and it cannot wait. " that surprise was actually a kiss, but in the end, Cathy didn't care. She loved receiving kisses from Anne.

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