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Warning: cussing

It was a normal day at school, to say the least. Everything seemed rather boring as usual, nothing interesting happened. Apart from the small argument between Catherine and Anne. Everyone in school they they hated each other - they never understood why, but the two never got along properly. If those two ever crossed paths, people would shelter themselves, as world war 3 would happen the moment Anne and Catherine make eye contact. They absolutely hated each other, well, that's what people think. The way they act towards each other is enough to say they despise one another.

" Ugh! When will this day be over? " Anne whined, dragging her backpack behind her as her and her best friend Parr walked along the hallways to their final class of the day. Unlike Anne, Parr loved going to school, she especially loved staying in the library and reading all the books she could get her hands on. It was a mystery to how Anne and Parr became best friends.

" We're going to our final'll be over before you know it. " Parr reassured her friend as the two entered their classroom which was filled with students who were chatting amongst themselves whilst some remained quiet and reserved. Much to Anne's annoyance, she was sat beside Aragon during this class. And as usual, the girl was sat on her desk, seemingly lost in her thoughts as she stared at nothing.

As Parr made her way to the back of the classroom, where her desk was as Anne's desk was in the second row to the front beside Aragon's.

Anne took her seat and let out a loud sigh, hating the fact that the day was dragging on for so long. She just wanted to go home and use her phone all day, And thankfully it was a Friday today - so there'd be nothing to do tomorrow and on Sunday. She was glad she was gonna get a relaxing weekend after spending a dreadful week with the demon that sat beside her.

" Ugh, where's my book? " Aragon mumbled, rummaging around her bag trying to find said book. The girl gave up and groaned, coming to terms that she had forgotten her book in her locker.

Anne snickered, judging Aragon's forgetfulness as the girl dropped her bag to her side. " Did miss forgetful leave her book? "

Catherine glared at the girl who sat beside her, she honestly couldn't believe someone like her would be her seatmate. She found her so annoying and loud most of the time. " Shut it, Boleyn. "

" Feisty now, are we, Catalina? " Anne pressed on, slowly bringing Catherine to the edge as she said her nickname. The girl grumbled, giving Anne her middle finger.

" Don't ever, ever, call me Catalina. "

Anne rolled her eyes and ignored the girl, personally, she liked the name Catalina. As it suited the demon she sat beside with. She's saying that as an actual opinion and not trying to purposely offend Catherine - she finds it more unique, she just didn't understand why Catherine hated the nickname so much.

The teacher finally came in and hushed all the noisy students as she prepared her lesson for today. However, instead, she stood in front of the class with a soft smile. " Today, we won't be discussing amything—"

" Hell yeah! " A student cheered, all the other students cheered as we - except Parr and Aragon, who were actually looking forward for today's lesson.

" However...." The teacher continued, the cheering died down a bit and everyone listened intently. The teacher rummaged through some papers and soon help up a printed picture of some really ugly and obese man. " Do you recognize this man? " she asked the class, everyone was silent until Parr spoke up.

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