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Ugh I hate myself so much-
Warning: fluff-ish, just sexual stuff- that ISN'T graphic-ish, and a bit of cussing-
Dead girl walking made me do this

Catherine was deeply invested in her writing, the moment she woke up she began to write in her notebook like usual. It was normal for Catherine to be locked in her room and just write and write, as long as she went downstairs for lunch and dinner it was okay. All the girls relied on Anne to check on Catherine every now and then, to make sure she was doing okay. The two girls have been dating for a few years now, they were very open about their relationship and their fans knew about it as well.

However, today Anne was feeling a bit more bored and wanted to see how her girlfriend was doing. She could've hung out with Catalina or Kat, but the two were already busy doing their own things and she wasn't in the mood to deal with an angry Lina if she decided to annoy her and Kat- she didn't feel like hanging with her younger cousin today, she just wanted to be by her girlfriend's side.

The girl got up from the couch and made her way upstairs, she passed by Jane who was preparing some snacks in the kitchen, she didn't think much of it. Anne then went towards Catherine's room and didn't bother knocking, knowing the girl doesn't mind her entering unannounced. The girl opened the door and entered.

Catherine was indeed writing, she was writing on her notebook and was very focused. She probably didn't notice Anne come in.

" Hey, Love. " Anne said with a smile, letting herself sink into Catherine's bed and she relaxed herself.

" Hi, Anne. " Catherine didn't take her eyes off her notebook, much to Anne's annoyance. There were times when Catherine would straight up ignore Anne, and Anne would always have to do something to get her attention.

" Look at me. "

Catherine took her eyes off her notebook and glanced at Anne for a split second before looking at her notebook again. Anne looked rather offended and she scoffed. " You bitch. "

" Dumbass. " Catherine replied with a sassy tone.

Their relationship was always like this, calling each other names every now and then - but they never mean it. It was kinda like Anne and Catalina, they call each other names a lot, but don't mean it. Sometimes.

Anne huffed, seeing that her girlfriend wasn't gonna give her the attention she wanted. " Why aren't you paying attention to me? "

" I'm writing something, Anne. I'd like to focus on it..."

" But you don't seem to be that focused since you're still talking to me. "

Catherine didn't respond, making Anne grin - knowing she was right. Finally, Anne grabbed a chair and placed it beside her girlfriend and sat down beside her. She glanced at what Catherine was writing, but could barely understand her penmanship. It was as if she was writing like she was running out of time - she pressed her pencil against the notebook hard, making it look really messy and dirty.

" Ew, what terrible penmanship. You could become a doctor. " Anne teased, Catherine couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. The girl shook her head and planted a kiss on Anne's cheek. " What're you writing anyways? "

Six The Musical OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ