Final Battle

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TW: death, mentions of blood, and cussing

Ps. They have powers

Perhaps you've heard of some shows or cartoon wherein there's a super villain and there's a hero, and the two are always fighting back and forth. The villain continuously gets into some sort of mischief, causing trouble and planning schemes that could help them take over the world or the city, and in the end, no matter how hard they try, the hero always wins in the end.

You've heard of a story like that, right?

Well, in this case scenario, Anne Boleyn - a young woman who always finds the opportunity to cause trouble in the city, constantly putting the citizens into a state of panic.

And then there's her cousin, Katherine Howard - a beloved superhero amongst all the citizens of the city, she always manages to stop her cousin from completing her sabatoges and whatnot without lots of harm being done.

It was like a cliché, every other day, maybe every week, Anne would always find something to do, and Katherine would always be there to stop her. It's been like that for as long as they could remember, even as young children, Anne would seize the opportunity to misbehave during class, and then Katherine - the class president, would stop her at the time.

Even then, they've grown fond of each other, both of them continuously wonder - when will the final battle be? Will there ever be a day Anne would finally defeat Katherine? Even if that day wouldn't ever come, the two girls were already alright with the bickering they have to go through very often as the months went by.

However, this day was somewhat different.

Anne had managed to successfully plant bombs at an empty park, and she was able to set off the bombs. Everything had been destroyed in just seconds, and Katherine was just seconds too late to stop her cousin from accomplishing this. Whilst the citizens fled, frantically looking for somewhere to hide, or while news reporters flooded in, recording the battle from a distance...

Katherine quickly flew over to the situation, eyes widening in panic as she watched the park she used to visit so often explode right in front of her. She gritted her teeth, flying over to Anne, and then stood in front of her. "Anne, what're you up to this time?" she said, trying to sound as casual as possible, pretending this was like one of their previous battles.

The brunette snickered, leaning her head to the side. "Well.. Isn't it obvious, Kat? This.. This is simply another one of my schemes."

"but bombs?! Are you out of your fucking mind?! People could've died, Anne!" Katherine nearly screamed, this was an emotion she hadn't felt during her battles with Anne. She hadn't felt this angry in a long time, and it was due to the fact Anne didn't seem phased at all that she could've killed innocent people.

"I know.. That's why I chose an empty park, knowing you, you'd be pitiful towards those you could have failed to protect."

Katherine scoffed. "Whatever, let's get this started."

Just as Katherine was about to activate her powers, Anne stopped her, the brunette then reached into her pocket, and pulled out two knives.

"Let's try close combat fighting, shall we?"

Katherine hesitated, unsure. She was never experienced when it came to handling knives, she was always a clumsy girl. Not only that, she didn't wanna hurt Anne severely.

Anne let out a laugh, clearly trying to intimidate her cousin."C'mon! It's better than destroying more of the city with our powers."

Katherine sighed, giving in. She took the knife, and thus everything began.

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