Authors Note

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Hi there! I'm Rebecca, I'm twenty-seven and obsessed with new adult and YA fantasy.

This is the first draft of a story I hope to one day publish. I also think it's part of a series...

But I'm trying to not get ahead of myself.

But at least three books.

Or four.

Anyways this is the story of Hannah and Will, building a tiny house together, that becomes their tiny home. Be prepared for some slow build, and explicit scenes that are worth waiting for!

I'm also very interested in sibling dynamics- I have three sisters and no brother. So Hannah has a brother for me to live out my 'brother's best friend' fantasies.

Leave me all sorts of comments and suggestions! I want all the constructive criticism I can get. This is a first draft, I know it won't be perfect but with your guidance I can do my best to reach the perfect ending for these characters.

Thanks for reading and welcome!

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