Chapter 6

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The hardware store parking lot is empty except for a few cars, no doubt the employees inside groggily opening up the store. I turn the key off and got to pull it out when Will's hand wraps around mine.

"Hannah wait a minute."

"I don't want to talk, Will."

"No, I got that." He says sarcastically, "You blaring pop songs got that message across just fine. I mean we ought to talk about what you need and want so we're on the same page."

"Oh, okay," I say feeling awkward.

I reach into the back seat and pull out my binder, I flip to my list page and look over the list of things I need for phase one.


"I told you I planned, that I did my research."

He nods and takes the list from me. "Okay, so these are things we absolutely need to get today to get started?"

"Exactly. Phase two are things worth ordering on a rush and then phase three are things we can get away with waiting on. I should have another story published next week so I'll have more income then."

"I can also loan-" he starts then stops. "Sorry, the offer is there if you need it but I get it, just my services."

"Exactly," I say with a small smile. "Thanks though."

"Don't mention it. Do you have a pen?"

I not and riffle through my purse to find one. He takes it and beings to scratch things off the list.

"These I've got in storage so no need for you to spend your money on them." He scratches off more tools.

Then begins scanning the second phase list. He begins moving things around all three lists, explaining his reasoning to me on each option.

Before I know it I have three new lists, with a lot more to buy immediately.

"We should have brought both trucks," I say.

"We'll see if we can get a deal on delivery. If not we'll schedule a pickup tomorrow."

I nod, "Sounds good. Ready?"

We make our way inside the chilling warehouse. Soft elevator music plays as we each grab a cart and make our way down the ails.

It doesn't take long for some kid to approach us.

"Do you guys need any help?"

"Yes," I answer as Will says, "Nope. Thanks,"

The kid laughs, "Husbands always say no. Just let me know if you do need anything after all."

I snort before I can help it and Will laughs.

"Alright wifey, let's get shopping."

We begin throwing things in the cart, decision after decision, tax calculation after tax calculation. My list gets crossed off one by one.

"Will!" I hear the grating high pitched voice yell and cringe.

"Hey Shelly, what are you guys doing here?" He asks politely as she pulls him into a friendly hug.

Maybe it's only me that notices the way she sticks out her chest.

"Oh my goodness, is that you miss Hannah?!"

"It's me, Shelly, this must be your husband," I say indicating to the awkward man standing behind her.

"That's Dan." She says with a fond smile. "We're just getting some stuff to build that shed we talked about.

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