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This guy's a dick. He was an asshole to Leonard and Beardo (although I understand why he was frustrated), he was an asshole to Ella, and he was an asshole to Sky. When I first watched TDPI I kind of liked him (until the finale), but now that I think about, he's a fucking dick. Ella clearly liked him, and Dave couldn't even be polite when she thought the picnic was for her. He just shooed her away because he was simping for Sky. Speaking of Sky, he was a dick to her too. He chose to cut her off when she said "I like you too, but-" and then acted like a dick when she didn't want to be his girlfriend. If he let her talk, he would've known that she had a boyfriend, but he's too self absorbed and cut her off when he heard what he wanted to hear. He was a petty dick to her in "Hurl and Go Seek" and he tried to fucking KILL her and Shawn in the finale when he found out she had a boyfriend. To anyone who is reading this who has a crush on someone: don't be like Dave. Listen to them. Don't be a dick to them. Don't try to kill them. It's pretty simple.

Fun fact: Dave was the main antagonist in a Total Drama fan fiction that I started writing in 7th grade but never finished (I'm going to be in 12th grade in August). Let me know if you want me to edit that and finish it so I can publish it, if you guys are interested in reading it.

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