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As I said in Katie's chapter, Katie and Sadie annoyed the fuck of me me when I was younger, but they're kind of funny now. However, they did Sadie dirty. After Katie was eliminated, they had the opportunity to do something with Sadie, but they didn't. Instead, she faded into the background and barely spoke after that. She cried a lot and spoke a bit after Katie was eliminated, but then she was basically silent until she was eliminated. They could have DEVELOPED her character, but they didn't. Also, can we talk about the fact that her label is "The Sweet Girl's Friend"? What the actual FUCK?! Sadie was around for longer than Katie. If anything, Katie should be the Sweet Girl's Friend. Also, what made Katie so damn sweet anyways? Why not just label both Katie and Sadie as the BFFFL's? That would have made WAY more sense. Just saying.

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