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Heather is iconic. Love this iconic queen.

TDI: Heather was a bitch this season. No, she was the bitch. And she is loved for that. The first time you watch this show, you'll probably hate her, and that's the point. TDI Heather is meant to be despicable. Once you watch the show multiple times and really know Heather though, you'll appreciate what a great villain she is.

TDA: Heather was changed into a comic relief this season, and it really worked. She was fucking hilarious this season. One of her best moments was when she was writing her will in One Flu Over The Cuckoos. I don't really know what else to say, but Heather was so funny this season.

TDWT: ABSOLUTE QUEEN. Her win was so deserved. The writers did what everyone thought was impossible: they made people root for Heather. Maybe people started rooting for her after Cody's elimination, or maybe it was earlier, but most people were rooting for her over Alejandro, myself included. Speaking of Alejandro, their dynamic this season was great. It was so obvious they'd end up together, but that doesn't make it bad. It was so well written. Heather became the antihero of this season. Honestly, she was kind of the protagonist. She was good this season. That moment in the finale when Cody called Alejandro the bad guy and she realized that she was the good guy was incredible. I hadn't realized it when I first watched the season either,but Heather was the good guy. This was her season. She was the main character. This season was Heather's.

TDAS: They kind of did her dirty this season. Why wouldn't she just hold on to the idol? Why would she hide it? That isn't Heather. She felt more like TDI Heather this season, rather than the TDWT Heather that is so loved, even though she made that foolish mistake that TDI Heather would have never done. TDI Heather would have tricked someone else into holding it for her.. She was just kind of bitchy again instead of being an antihero. Still love her though.

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