Chapter 2

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Colby pulled his bag onto his shoulders once the bell rang, leaving his third hour and stopping at his locker before proceeding towards the lunchroom. He sat down at his normal table, waiting for his friends as they got lunch and playing on his phone.

"Colbyyy!" Jake said cheerfully as he sat down, Colby looked up from his phone and passed a smile to his friend.

Next came Elton, he sat down and passed Colby his apple before beginning to eat his own food. Corey and Devyn sat down, smiling lightly as Katrina then came and sat as well. "Hey, guys." Colby said, clicking his phone off and biting out of the apple.

"Hey, Colbs. You get the assignment done in Algebra 2?" Elton asked, looking up from his plate of food.

"Uhm, no. I fell asleep." The brunette said, looking down at the apple he'd only taken one single bite from and instantly feeling sick. "Be back." He mumbled before darting from the cafeteria and slamming into a blonde boy he'd never seen before, "Sorry." He said quickly before scurrying to the bathroom.

One he reached the bathroom, he thanked God it was empty and ran into a stall before throwing up into the toilet. After flushing, he sat on the ground and sighed. Tears lightly fell from his cheeks, letting out a sniffle before wiping his cheeks and walking out to the sink.

He rinsed his mouth with water then left the bathroom and began back towards the cafeteria. Once he sat down at his table, he saw the blonde boy he'd ran into not too long ago sitting across from him. "Colby, this is Sam. I met him in my second hour, he's new. Sam this is Colby." Corey said, smiling proudly at his new friend.

"Hi." Colby mumbled, pulling out his phone and scrolling through Instagram. He felt a nudge in his side, looking up to see Elton glaring at him. "Sorry." He mumbled before clicking his phone off and placing it on his table.

Suddenly arms wrapped around his waist, he jumped when they did and knew who it was as his friends glared at the person behind him. He then heard evil laughing, this laugh belonged to Brennen Taylor. "Hey, Colbs." Brennen snarled, mocking the nickname Colby's friends had given him.

Colby wiggled out Brennen's arms, elbowing them away and slightly shaking. "Leave me alone." He mumbled, looking to his lap sadly. Brennen's arms used to snuggly wrap around his waist, now that he was so skinny there was a bunch of room left to where Brennen would have to wrap his arms tighter to fill the space.

"Thats not nice, baby. I miss you, you know. You were so damn good in bed, only thing you'd be wanted for anyway." Brennen said, his friends behind him laughing at his stupid joke.

Tears fell from Colby's eyes, he looked around at his friends but his gaze caught on Sam's sky blue eyes. Wiping his tears away, he grabbed his bag and his phone before running from the table and his heartbreaker. Running to the student parking lot, he unlocked his car before sitting in the drivers seat and letting out painful cries.

He sat there for two class periods, just before his last hour his friends went looking for him. Once they saw his car, they checked to see he saw the and relieved to see he was asleep on the back seat. His pale tear stained cheek, his sunk in eyes, the bones that showed through his skins. His friends looked for a moment, feeling sadness as they knew they couldn't do anything to help their friend.

Corey opened the door, the heavy sleeping brunette didn't even move at the semi-loud sound. "Colby." His spoke at a normal tone, trying to wake the boy. "Colby." His voice now louder, still the brunette didn't move.

He looked back at Elton and Sam, though the blonde was very knew to the friend group they allowed him to follow at the simple fact that he was so down to earth. Elton walked to the other side, where Colby's head was and opened the door, kneeling down and nudging the boy that laid curled into a ball as he called his name. "Hm?" Colby said, stirring a bit.

"Come on, bud. You gotta wake up." Elton said, nudging Colby more. Finally the brunette opened his eyes, rubbing them before sitting properly in the seats and looking around. "Why don't you go home, school gets out in an an hour or so anyways."

"Mkay." Colby said tiredly, his eyes fighting to stay open. Suddenly a large pain slammed into his stomach, he gripped it with his scrawny arms as he flew forward and cried out in pain.

"Shit." Corey mumbled, getting into the car and sitting next to his friend. Colby just took deep breaths, trying to focus on something other than his cramping stomach.

Sam stood there quite awkwardly, unsure of what to do or how at all he could help. "Uh, I-I'll go to class and l-leave you guys a-alone..." He spoke.

"Alright, Sam. We'll see you tomorrow, we'll probably take him home. Feel free to hang with us tomorrow." Corey said, passing a smile to Sam and getting one back before the blonde walked back towards the school.

Elton and Corey got in the front of the car as Colby sat in the back, grasping his stomach and groaning lightly. They took Colby home, Elton carried his 103 pound body up to his room and laid him on the bed only for Colby to sit up and sigh. "C-Can you get me an a-apple please." Corey nodded, walking down to the kitchen to grab one.

As they waited, Elton sat on the bed next to Colby and pulled him into a hug. As he did he felt as if he was holding a bag of bones, Colby was so easy to pull into a hug having no energy, muscle, or weight to pull away or protest.

Once the hug was initiated, Colby immediately began sobbing into Elton's chest. The dark haired boy broke as one of his best friends broke down in his arms, Colby's sobs filled the room as his body shook in Elton's arms. "Wh-Why c-can't he j-just leave me a-alone? I j-just want h-him to leave me alone, E-Elton." He sobbed.

Elton pet his brunette locks and shushed him, trying anything to calm the boy down. "I know, I'm so sorry. We'll get him away from you, okay? I'll do anything to do it, I promise."

Corey walked back in holding an apple and a glass of water, handing them both to Colby as the crying brunette broke from the hug to grab them. Corey sat next to him, waiting for him to actually eat something. Once Colby did, he ate about a half of the apple before throwing it away, saying he felt full.

Drinking only half of the water as well, he placed it onto his stand before wiping his eyes and cheeks of tears. "I-I'm j-just going to throw it up.." He mumbled.

"It'll help the stomach pain, you'll get used to eating Colby you just need to keep doing it." Elton said, rubbing the brunettes back.

The two friends sat there sadly, knowing for a fact that Colby wouldn't be eating more than an apple a day. Depression took their friends happiness from him, as well as Brennen Taylor.

Elton and Corey made a pact to stop at nothing till Brennen would no longer hurt their friend. They weren't talking about simply going to a teacher.

They'd be doing it themselves.

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