Chapter 3

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As Colby walked down the hallways, he kept his head low and avoided eye contact with everybody. Eventually people stopped saying things, it'd be here and there that someone who wasn't a jock would say something.

He thought he made it away free, but as he was walking and the hallways became empty, Brennen stepped out in front of him. "Hey, there." Colby jumped, once he knew it was Brennen his body began shaking in fear. Brennen's hand came up quickly, wrapping his hand around Colby's throat in a roughly gentle manner.

Colby let out a whimper as Brennen did, almost immediately tears began trickling down his cheeks. "C-Can I pl-please go to class? P-Please?" He whimpered, only getting a cocky smirk back from Brennen. "Pl-please.."

"Nah, I think we'll skip first hour. We used to do that a lot, remember?" Brennen said, scoffing at his own words. "Can't believe I wasted all that fucking time to get laid. Don't worry baby, you were good but I put in too much work for it."

Colby's breath stuttered as he cried, wishing Brennen would just walk away and leave him to cry alone. Though he knew that wouldn't be happening anytime soon, his friends weren't in his first hot to notice his absence and worry. Meaning they didn't know he'd be trapped with Brennen.

"Come on." Brennen's grip on Colby's neck ended, he now grabbed Colby's wrist and dragged him outside of the school and to his car. "Get in." He said, opening the back door. Colby looked at him nervously, being as weak as he is Brennen grabbed him and put him in the car as he couldn't fight back.

He sat on the other side of the backseat, keeping his distance from Brennen until the sadistic boy pulled Colby onto his lap. Colby whimpered and let out small cries as Brennen kissed his neck. "P-Please, l-let me g-go. I-I j-just want to go, please."

"No." Brennen simply said, smirking and tightening his grip on Colby to where it may leave finger made bruises. "You let yourself go to shit. Disgusting bag of bones." Colby let out a whimper, tears continued to stream down his cheeks.

Brennen grab Colby's chin and made him look at him, leaning in and placing his lips against Colby only for the scared brunette to not kiss back. "Kiss. Me." Brennen growls, his voice stern.

Colby kissed back, to when he did Brennen pulled Colby closer as he remained on his lap. Brennen finally pulled away from the kiss, chuckling evilly as he did so. "Fucking whore." He opened the door, practically shoving Colby out then getting out himself and shutting the door, locking his car before walking to the school.

Sitting on the pavement sobbing, Colby leaned against Brennen's car and held his knees tightly. As he cried more, he suddenly felt sick. Standing up and running to the grassed area where no one walks or looks really, he bends over and tries emptying his stomach.

Nothing really came out, mostly dry heaving causing his stomach to wrench in pain. Once it ended, he slowly walked back up to the school and sat against lockers in the empty hallways.

The bell finally rang for second hour, Colby stood up as people flooded the hallways and walked to his next class. He walked in and took his normal seat by Jake, on the other side of Jake was their new friend Sam. Who Colby has barely said a word to.

"Hey, Colbs. Wait, what's wrong?" Jake asked quickly with worry.

"N-Nothing, tried eating cereal and I threw up.." He lied, Jake nodding sadly. His look simply showed pity for the small boy, Sam sat in silence knowing something was wrong with Colby. He felt rude asking, but yesterday Corey texted him after getting his number at school and explained he was anorexic.

"I'm sorry, Colbs. Eat an apple at lunch, okay?" Jake said, standing up and grabbing his bag.

"I-I will, where are you going?" Colby asked, realizing Jake was getting ready to leave.

Solby- Anorexia  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon