Chapter 8

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As Sam walked down the hall with Colby next to him, he smiled as the brunette looked to him with a little blush on his face. They all decided they'd have at least one person by Colby's side in school, they wouldn't ever let him be alone anymore.

"I'll see you after class, I'll walk you to lunch." Sam said, tossing a smile to Colby. The just nodded and walked into the classroom to sit by Elton, who was smirking to Colby as he blushed .

"What's the blush about, Brock?" Elton teased.

Colby's cheeks just stayed red, his smile didn't fade. "He.. makes me happy.." Colby said, looking up from his desk and to his friend.

"I can tell. Maybe you should tell him that." Elton said, nudging Colby. Colby just rolled his eyes and looked forward, considering the thought of telling Sam.

After class, Elton went to the bathroom leaving Colby with Sam as they walked towards the lunchroom. When they got there, they were set to part ways as Sam went to get food and Colby went to the table. "Hey, uhm.. can you get me an apple?"

Sam nodded and smiled, "I'm getting you more than that." He walked away to the lunch line, and once he reached the fruit he grabbed an apple and a little styrofoam dish before putting applesauce in it. When he sat down by his friends, he gave Colby the apple and applesauce with a spoon. "No arguments."

Colby just smiled lightly and ate the food without protest, he was proud of himself for finishing both items and not feeling sick. His friends didn't speak it, but they were quite proud of him, too.

"Do you feel okay?" Sam asked, looking at Colby.

The brunette nodded happily, "I feel fine." He even chuckled a little bit. "Oh my God, Devyn are you crying?"

"Shut up!" She said, laughing. "I'm proud of you asshole, and I'm emotional." Colby chuckled, Corey wrapped an arm around Devyn and she smiled sweetly.

"Th-Thank you.. I-" Colby's sentence halted when something hit the back of his head, when he turned he saw an eraser on the ground and the table of jocks and cheerleaders laughing. Colby sighed, turning back around and looking down.

Sam stood up quickly, grabbing the eraser and marching towards the table. His friends called his name a few times but he ignored it, he reached Brennen and held the eraser between his fingers as he hand went back then flew forward to smack Brennen across his face.

The jocks looked dumbstruck, Brennen stood up and tackled Sam by slamming into his stomach and putting him on the ground. His fists started ramming into Sam's sides and arms, he tried hiding his head in his arms but Brennen hit him there anyway.

Sam's friends got up quickly, Colby quicker than anyone, and ran towards them. Colby tried stopping Brennen but the angry male just shoved him backwards making him land roughly on the floor. With Colby being so far and the force behind Brennen's shove, he went back far and landed in his back harshly. Grabbing his body in pain he began coughing at the loss of breath.

Brennen went at Sam once again, the blonde now only worried if Colby was okay. Devyn and Katrina picked Colby up as Corey, Elton, and Jake yanked Brennen off the bruised and bloody Sam before shoving him towards his own friends.

"We got you, bro." Jake said as he and lifted Sam off the floor.

A teacher rushed in, shoving through the crowd and trying to figure out what happened. "Office now!" She barked, her finger pointing at Brennen and Elton, then to Sam, Jake and Corey, then Colby.

As they all got there and shared their sides of the story, a three day suspension was ordered for all of them.

"Let's get you home, and cleaned up." Jake said, helping Sam once again.

Colby shoved through everyone and grabbed Sam's hand, "Sam, why would you do that? It would've been fine.."

"He's g-going to stop h-hurting y-you." Sam said, groaning at the pain in his cheeks and jaw as he talked.

When they got home, everyone helped Sam up the stairs and to his and Colby's bathroom before leaving the two alone. Colby grabbed a wet rag, wiping the blood from Sam's lips and putting the cold rag on his bruised face.

"Shirt off." Colby said, rewetting the rag as Sam removes his shirt in pain. Bruises scattered his sides and stomach, Colby's eyes stung with tears at the sight.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry, it's fine. I'm going to be fine, bruises heal." Sam said, taking Colby's hands in his.

Colby began putting the rag on the bruises, sniffling his nose and trying not to feel distracted by Sam's abs and v-line. "There.. uhm, I can go downstairs and get ice you should go rest."

As Colby began walking away, Sam grabbed his hand and pulled him lightly back in front of him. "Are you okay? He shoved you pretty hard." Sam asked.

"M'okay." Colby said, smiling to Sam. Swiftly Sam reached behind Colby and put a little pressure on his back, it seemed fine till he reached his lower back and Colby jolted forward in pain. "I-It's a little bruise, I-I'll be okay.."

"Turn, please." Colby obeyed, turning and letting Sam life his shirt to reveal his back. He realized Sam's never seen him without a shirt, he didn't want him to either.

Sam lifted the shirt to see a tennis ball sized bruise formed in the middle of Colby's lower back, Sam sighed and turned Colby back around. "Does it hurt?" Colby nodded, looking down only for Sam to tuck a finger under his chin and lift his head. "I hit him.. because I-I won't ever, ever allow someone to-to degrade you, to taunt you and laugh at you."

"B-But why? Why does it bother you..?" When Colby asked this, Sam's heart broke a little. It made him feel as if Colby didn't care that Sam had told him his feelings, that he didn't remember because he didn't care enough to.

"I've already told you.." Sam said, looking down at his hands that still latched on to Colby's.

"I-I know.. I wanted to hear it again." Colby admits, "I-I don't know if I feel love.. when I thought I love Brennen it felt different. Th-This feels happy, a-and scary. It's scary because I've never felt it.. because I can feel that it's something big.. I don't know, I probably sounds stupid." He mumbled the last words quieter, feeling like he wasn't making sense or he sounded stupid.

"No, it doesn't sound stupid at all. It is scary, even I'm scared but.. this feeling is so incredibly good that I don't want anything else. Colby, I'm in love with you. If you don't know if you feel the same yet, then I won't talk about it anymore. I-I just know you're the only person I want." Sam said confidently, his heart racing as he waited for an answer.

Colby smiled, biting his lip to make sure he doesn't cry. "I know I feel the same, there's no way this is a silly little crush.. I love you." Sam smiled happily, slowly and gently wrapping Colby in a hug to make sure he doesn't hurt himself or even Colby.

When Colby hugged back, he barely gripped Sam because his bruises. Tears fell down his cheeks in happiness, and Sam did the same.

Sam pulled away from the hug, "C-Can I kiss you?" Colby nodded, Sam cupped his cheeks and pulled him into a loving kiss. When their lips met, Colby felt a burst of energy and excitement, he smiled against Sam's lips and wrapped his arms around Sam's neck.

Sam's intentions were met. He did, in fact, show Colby the true meaning of love.

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