What?! moving

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We got to our first period English what we luckily have together. We waited for the teacher to come but he didn't show up after 30 minutes so I guess we have a free period.

The bell rang and I and dani packed our things together and walked out the door. When we walked out the door I saw Vallyk and walked up to him. I slung my hands around his neck and he immediately turned around and slung his arms around my waist and gave me a kiss and we went to our second period

>timeskip to lunch<

I, dani and valkyk walked to the cafeteria and sat at our table. When I was eating I got a call from my mom.

Mom: hey hun

Ari: hi mum wassup?

Mom: I'll pick you up now please wait for me. Me and your dad have to talk to you.

Ari: Ok? I'll see u love you

Mom: love you too

I hung up and dani and Vallyk looked at me confused

"What was that about babe?" Valkyk asked me confused

"My mom said to me that she'll pick me now up i don't know why" I shrugged

"Alright see u Ari" Dani said and hugged me

"See u babygirl" vallyk said and gave me a kiss

I got my things and walked out the building. I waited at the parking lot for my mom and she came after 5 minutes.

We drove home and she didn't say anything but I could say she was nervous I hope it's nothing bad.

When we came home we went in the house and my dad sat on the couch. We sat together on the couch and my parents just looked at me.

My mom took a deep breath

"Sweetie we have good news for us but you won't be so happy about it" my mom said nervous

"We got a new job were we will get paid good but" he started now I was nervous

"It's in New Jersey and we have to move" my mom ended his sentence

My face immediately got hot and I felt tears in my eyes.

"You can't do this to me here is my life with dani and valkyk. I don't want to move" I started to raise my voice

"We are sorry but that's the only job were would get paid good" my mom said and patted my back but I got up

"That's what you said when we moved for 5 Years here to California but now we have to move again" now was the point were tears streamed down my face

"When are we moving" I asked

"Tomorrow" by dad said and looked down

"What tomorrow" I yelled

"We are so sorry but you will like it in new Jersey we promise it" my dad said and got up

"You always promise things and don't held the promise. Here is my life and I can't move" I said and ran upstairs to my room. I plopped on my bed and cried in my pillow.

After felt like 3 hours I snatched my phone and texted our group chat.

Ma boy💕🦋 = Vallyk
Clown ass 🤡🤪 = Dani

Hey guys I have to talk to you can we met at the park @ 3

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