Comfort ( Harley Quinn x male reader )

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( I couldn't resist , this happens after 2x9 , I know , but I felt bad for her after that ending , I would have waited until I wrote Season 2 , but ugh , Harley crying broke my heart  )

After the party , Harley Quinn was clearly upset , as soon as she returned to her base she ran to her room and locked the door , and Poison Ivy wasn't with her , which was Werid to Y/n

He had known they had gone to the themyscira to have a bachelor party ,   obviously he couldn't go , he didn't care though  , cause deep down , he really hated kite man  , but what he didn't know was Poison Ivy had said something horrible to her

Y/n walked to Harley's room and knocked gently , " Go away " Harley said sadly

" Harley , it's me , Y/n " He told her

The door opened and Harley flung herself on to him  , catching Y/n off guard , but he returned the hug

They pulled away , Y/n wiped a tear from Harley's face , " What happened ? , I would have asked when you got back but I gave you some space "

" Ivy , she chose kite man over me " Harley explained , her voice trembling a little

Y/n stared at her in shock , " wha , what ? "

Harley nodded , She told  Y/n every detail

She thought Y/n would be angry , but Y/n Understood

Y/n took Quinn's hand and held it ,  before saying , " I'm sorry ,  I'm not mad , but you both know I love you , if Ivy chooses kite man over you , that's her loss , but , I still love you Harley , I always have "

The blonde smiled a little , feeling  a little bit better that someone cared , and  she loved Y/n as well , it wasn't only Ivy she cared about

'Well ,if I can't have Red , at least I can have My other best friend ' Harley Thought

What happened next was so fast , Y/n barley had time to comprehend

Harley kissed Y/n , it was quick , but very passionate

Once they pulled away , Y/n blinked several times before asking , " did that just happen again ? " Referring to the kiss they all shared after the pit ( I'll work this into the story somehow )

Harley shrugged , " Maybe , thanks for the support Y/n , I feel a lot better , if Ivy doesn't love me , at least I have you " she said smiling

Y/n smiled back , " So ? , Should we tell the others ? "

Harley thought for a moment , " Yes , we will both tell Ivy , together " She said

Y/n smiled

Harley got up and walked away , but before she walked Out the door , Y/n spoke up

" Harley ? , Does this mean I'm you new puddin ? " He asked smirking

Harley winked at him , " Your  my new Puddin , Puddin " She smirked back at him as she walked out

Harley Quinn / Poison Ivy x Male Reader ( 2019 cartoon ) Where stories live. Discover now