Riddle U

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Harley was plotting her next Attack but due to the lack of electricity and lighting in the Gotham Mall after Gotham collapsed into a lawless wasteland she couldn't

Harley : " Come on , Come on.  Oh my God you piece of shit ! " She was trying to light a Candle

Harley : " Ugh Damn it . How is a girl supposed to plan her take over of Gotham if can't see her kill board ! "

Ivy : " It's only six people Harls and two of them are Dead when you made the list "

Harley : " Well I wanted to give us a head start like when you put your own money in the tip jar at being of your shift , Ah Mossle . How you did you make all these Candles ? "

Dr Pyscho : " Definitely not with the rendered out body's  of Dead Zebra's "

King Shark : " Well then I guess it remains a Mystery "

Harley : " We need Power , we can't keep Depending on Runaway Zoo animals for Pyscho to make Candles out of "

Dr Pyscho : " I made hats to "

Clayface : " No one has reliable Power "

They see a Commercial where Riddler apparently had the only place with Power , which was at Riddler University .

Harley : " That Asshole is the Only one with Power.  Where going to kill the Riddler and steal it for ourselves , Y/n , Ive hope your Vaccinated for Hpv cause where going to college "

Ivy : " Harley , You know where to old to get the Hpv Vaccine right ? "

Vortex : " Let me go with you . I'm Bored "

Harley : " Fine , We could use some backup anyway "

Harley : " Ok , here's the plan. We pretend to be coeds , sneak into Riddler U , kill the Riddler.  Maybe go to a sick party.  And then we have all the power and water to ourselves . What are you going to charge first ? I'm going to blow dry my hair ! "

Clayface : " As a Actor ! "

Dr Pyscho : " Not a Actor "

Clayface : " I know a thing or two about acting .To go undercover you must become the cover .So much so that you can no longer Remember your true self like a Young Mr Johnathan Depth in the television series 21 Jumpstreet.  And the Very old Mr Jonathan Depth in the Fetaure Film 21 Jumpstreet "

Ivy : " Yeah , your not coming with "

Y/n : " Agreed "

Clayface : " I agree , Clayface shouldn't go but your " He Turns into Stephanie and Explained her backstory

Harley : " Yeah Stephanie is not going ethier "

Dr Pyscho : " No she's not "

Harley : " Alright Ive and Y/n , are you ready for all night study sessions . Talking Philosophy and smoking clothes.  Putting up any Poster we want in our Dorm room ? "

Ivy : " You know I do have a Indigo Girls poster that does need a wall "

Y/n : " You have this why ? "

Dr Pyscho : " Oh my God. Alright you Four coeds are rediscovering yourselves .. The rest of us are making Zebra candles and chewing on water ! "

A mouse came out a Cup

King Shark : " So it was Zebra "

Harley : " Oh at least the Mouse is alive this time "

Dr Pyscho : " Oh my God.  I Drank two Quarts of that shit "

Harley Quinn / Poison Ivy x Male Reader ( 2019 cartoon ) Where stories live. Discover now