A Seat at the Table / Enter Midnight

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Y/n sighed as he Walked Gotham , looking Around . He noticed a Girl but ignored her

The Girl However followed him , Y/n pulled out his gun

Y/n : " Who are you ? "

??? : " Wait Y/n.  It's me "

Y/n put his Gun away : " Midnight "

Midnight : " Yep . It's me Midnight Quinn . So . How's Harley and Isabella ? "

Y/n Grunted : " Huh . Great "

Midnight : " That's good , So . What are you doing ? "

Y/n : " I was about to go see Ive "

Midnight : " Ooh , Your blushing "

Y/n : " Shut up "

Midnight Smirks : " Is she your girlfriend ? "

Y/n : " Wha ? No . She has a boyfriend "

Midnight : " Shame . Welp I better go " She walked away

Y/n sighed and went back to Ivy

Later Y/n and Ivy Meet Harley

Harley : " Ok . Look . I know the last we talked it was shitty . But you know I feel like we have a opportunity to start over "

Ivy : " * Looking at Her Phone * Mmm "

Harley : " Ok we can build off Mmm. And also obviously I want to Apologise for saying you where Jealous of me You and Y/n got no friends "

Ivy : " Thank you. I remember what you said "

Harley : " I know You and Y/n where just trying to protect me . And I'm going to do the same for you . Just because I'm a card carrying member of the Legion of Doom Now "

Y/n and Ivy in Unison : " Fuck That Place In the Ass "

Harley : " Yes , For Sure . I am working there and I hope it doesn't affect our friendship . I would be dead without you two  , like a lot "

Ivy : " I do not disagree with that ,  I mean I'm glad your not dead .  But I don't know it just felt like you where Ready to abandon Me and Y/n "

Y/n : " What she said "

Harley : " I would never do that . I will always there for You two . I always Smash things you might need smashed Ive and Y/n "

Harley : " Wait . I Know that look.  Is there something you need Smashed ? Come on Ive and Y/n there's got to be something you need Smashed "

Ivy : " There is something I actually have been working on "

Harley : "  I knew it . Your going to do something evil . That is Great ! "

Ivy : " Yeah . I mean if where Still Categorizing to Protect the environment as evil then sure "

Ivy showed Harley a Video of Planetwide Pavers land Development Division

Ivy : " Me and Y/n are  going to Destroy it "

Harley : " Ooh . You are fired up Ive you are Glowing . Count me in on Destroying this new factory "

Y/n didn't believe What Harley said one bit

Ivy : " Really ? Great . Ok Let's meet up on Friday night and go over our plan "

Harley : " No , No , No.  I got this.  The Legion gave me a Corrupt Card and said I can expense any meal where I can talk about doing something evil "

Y/n : " That's a Thing ? "

Ivy : " Yeah once again where saving Plant's where not actually doing something evil.  You know what ? Thanks Harls "

Harley Quinn / Poison Ivy x Male Reader ( 2019 cartoon ) Where stories live. Discover now