Chapter 1: Awake

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A/N: hello and welcome! this story might not make sense for a short time! after a couple years i have decided to come back to this story and rewrite it. instead of putting it into a new story im just going to replace the chapters as i rewrite them here. thank you for reading and please bare with me! 

Chapter 1: Awake and alive


Dimitrie POV

The clouds covered the sky like a fluffy blanket, dimming the world below although still bright it still gave off a dim eerie vibe in the forest that expanded past the back fence of the school, the only people who went there were the ones who wanted to deal/use drugs or for people trying to keep secrets. Hidden paths and secret meetups dotted the forest, one small clearing with a giant old oak tree was a special place for two students to meet and enjoy each other's company without the fear of prying eyes...or so they thought.

Everything felt as if it were moving in slow motion, like that scene in a horror movie where the person falls off the cliff and it's that moment of 'oh shit' before the movie speeds everything up again and they're falling, but I didn't feel like I was falling I was just confused. I let my hands slowly caress the ground below me as I looked at the grey sky through the branches of the old oak tree that was so familiar to me. I knew where I was now, I knew that this clearing was special in some way, but the memories were only trickling back into my mind slowly, my head was throbbing, but it wasn't painful, only annoying. managing to lift one of my hands up to my head to hardly touch the right side only to feel a liquid and that's when I realized what I was doing laying on the ground at the clearing that always brought a smile to my face, always used to anyways.


the texts were coming one after the other like always, I couldn't even remember how many times I had told Jason that he could just send it all in one text and it would mean the same thing but the boy was so adamant on sending eight, four worded texts all in a row, but it made me roll my eyes and smile down at the screen that asked if we were meeting in the usual spot today before the football game. 'is that even a question to ask. I'm not sick of you...yet xoxo' I shot back the text and smiled a few minutes later when an angry face and a heart was the response that I received. impatiently making it through the rest of the day and shoving my backpack in my locker, I could come grab it later during the football game since I never stayed very long, Jason understood. being the star of the school's football team he couldn't ruin his reputation by being gay with one of the biggest nobodies in all of castor high, I didn't want to ruin that for him even though I thought it was ridiculous that status mattered so much to some people considering this was high school it never mattered once our lives actually begun, but I let it be Jason was the one, he was perfect in every way, if he wanted a secret, I could deal with the secret through high school. then we could move far away and never have to deal with keeping anything secret.

the walk out into the woods to our usual hidden spot was always the most anxiety filling walk. no one ever saw either of us but what if they did one day? Jason's reputation and my nonexistent one, it would be hell for the both of us. stepping through the clearing and dropping my bag near the tree I sigh softly and wait, staring up at the trees and the sky beyond it, just enjoying the day, it was getting cold but the sun had shone through on this day, it was a perfect mix. strong arms wrap around my waist which draws a surprised noise to blurt out and I feel Jason's face burry into my neck, I turn around quickly to wrap my arms around him in tight hug. things got better when I was with him, the stress of the world just seemed to melt away and for a short bit nothing else existed. when we both finally pulled away, I brought my hands up to either side of the blondes cheeks and smiled softly before bringing my lips to his softly, pulling away rather quickly which earned a subtle groan, I chuckled softly and ran my thumb over the others cheek softly.

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