Chapter 28

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From now on it will be in Harry's POV because it's very close to the end for Lola. Only one more chapter after this so keep reading and voting pleaseeee. x

I couldn't stop my hands from shaking and the boys couldn't either, they'd all joined me at the oncology unit to see Lola apart from Liam who had grown quiet and reserved when he'd realised that Dani was the one to lose her life. None of us felt like staying at the hospital when we'd heard the news but I had to stay strong for Lola and they all had to stay strong for me.

The nurse I'd seen before came to collect me to take me to Lola's room and as we walked down the corridor she began to speak,

"Now, Mr Styles, Lola isn't going to be the same as she usually is. She'll be tired, groggy and most likely she won't remember who you are."

My head shot up as she said this and a pain jabbed my side, the girl who told me she loved me wouldn't know me anymore and that made everything even worse. I wouldn't be able to apologise for everything that I'd done because she wouldn't know why and I couldn't hold her as she floated away because I was just a stranger to her. I looked at the nurse who gave me a pitiful look and continued.

"Her facial features are still the same but her head has severe bruising and her skin is slightly paler than usual, as her time is limited you can stay as long as you want though." My stomach flipped as she mentioned Lola dying and I just nodded and reached for the door that we'd been stood at, before I could open it the nurse reached out her hand and rested it on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, she doesn't deserve this. Good luck in there." As she walked away I couldn't help the tears that escaped from my eyes but I soon wooed them away and became the strong man that Mum had taught me to be. Even if Lola didn't know me, there was no harm in loving her for one last time.

Whatever you do, Harry. Don't run.


The machines beeped around me as I took a seat at the corner of the room, not daring to look up yet. I spent some time arranging my belongings on the table to prevent seeing my angel so broken. I bent down to her small cupboard to check that her belongings were safe but I was brought from my trance when I heard a whimper coming from the bed and as I rose slowly, Lola's pale blue eyes stared at me, fear filling them. As she moved to face me I glanced at her head to see the black bruises covering it all, blood had dried around the side and her face looked as white as the sheet she was laying on. I tried not to let the tears escape my eyes as I approached her, I just focused on the way her eyes looked at me, not one trace of hatred was in them. She whimpered again as I laced my fingers with hers and I tried to be gentle, not hurting her but by the look on her face I'd added pain to her wounds already.

However I felt a slight squeeze and looked up from her intertwined hands to see a slight smile on her face, her eyes lit up when she looked deeply at me and I tried my best to forget about her wounds and smile back.

"Lola, it's me, Harry." I started, stating it slowly. She nodded as I told her and looked back in my eyes before murmuring.

"And, and I, I love you."


My heart swelled with adoration and love for Lola. She knew who I was, she loved me still and even though she was lying on her death bed she still told me. At that point I couldn't stop the tears rolling down my cheeks and I grasped her hand tightly, pulling it to me and kissing it, not letting her go.

"I love you, more than anything Lola and that's why you can't leave me." I cried into her hand, never wanting to see her go. But she knew she was ready.

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