Celibi's Human-sitting

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*Celibi was exhausted. Taking care of a 4-year-old Pokémon trainer is hard work. Especially when it comes to The Wild Area. Because trying to protect Lucy from powerful Pokémon is energy draining. And evening more energy draining trying to save Lucy from going to the Afterlife. Curse those Ghost-Types*

Celibi: "Why... Why did you decide to come to Galar?..."

Lucy: "For the Gym Challenge! I may be too young to participate. But, I can still witness it! Oh look, there's a red beacon!-"

Celibi: "NOPE!"


*Motostoke was only a few yards away. But, there was no point on going there because there wasn't going to be a Gym Challenge for a while...*

Celibi: "I'm sorry to tell you this, Lucy... But, the Gym Challenge is already over. It's been over for a long time! You'll have to wait for next year!"

Lucy: "really?"

Celibi: "I'm a Mythical Pokémon. I know what I'm talking about!"

Lucy: "You sure?"

Celibi: "I am from the FUTURE! I KNOW for sure!"

Lucy: "oh..."

*Lucy sulked*

Celibi: "BUT! There are cool things you could do here in Galar! Like... Uh... Err... Camping! We can camp here!"

Lucy: "Camping!? I love camping!!"

Celibi: "That's the spirit! Let's go camping, shall we?"

Lucy: "But, I don't have any camping gear though..."

Celibi: "You have money, don't you?"

Lucy: "Yeah! Lots!"

Celibi: "well, let's buy some camping gear!"

Lucy: "yeah!"

*And so, Lucy and Celibi went to Monostoke to get some camping gear! Celibi went invincible while doing so, of coarse*

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