♡2♡ The Good Samaritan (BWWM)

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(MONDAY, MARCH 9, 2015)

"Kylin, please. I'm not trying to rush you, but I really need to go."

If Kylin hadn't been made aware of her co-worker Vonnie's family tragedy a long time ago, she would've given the woman standing in her living room rubbing her hands in frustration a resounding NO.

After filling in for other nurses who faced family crises, sickness, pre-scheduled vacation, or any number of issues for thirty consecutive days without so much as a single break, all that really concerned Kylin was the idea of lounging about her home in the softest Sponge Bob pajamas she could find.

There seemed to be a serious shortage of people in the medical profession and everyone was feeling the pressure as a result of it.

Registered Nurses were, especially, in high demand. No matter where a nurse was employed, there was always a struggle to maintain adequate staffing. Even though the company Kylin and Vonnie worked for had some of the highest reviews from patients and the state, a constant rise in patients and a decrease in healthcare workers often created staffing burnout.

Since both nurses respected the hard work and dedication each of them had invested in the company, Kylin responded like she'd always done.

"Don't worry about it. Of course, I'll help you."

In truth, she and her co-worker shared the same work ethic of providing continually exceptional care. The only difference between the two ladies was that, unlike Kylin's patient demeanor, Vonnie had a bit of a hot temper with a spot of impatience.

When it came to light that the spirited woman's request for time off wasn't approved, other nurses learned in no time about the way Vonnie stormed out of their main office with deep set lines creasing her brows as she loudly ranted about how she believed she had been maltreated.

"I would expect a secular company to behave this way, but this is supposed to be a Christian organization. If they keep this up, I'll just let them have this job. I can't in good conscience sit here and just say nothing when they're doing me like this." Kylin recalled how quickly Vonnie's comment made the rounds.

After contacting Human Resources, their explanation lacked the resolution Vonnie sought, but it was the only option.

Since the company's caseloads were too heavy to approve her time-off request, Vonnie was required to find a replacement for her shifts.

With no hope in the world of finding another nurse to work her schedule on such short notice, Vonnie was stuck asking the one person she had no desire to disturb. The only reason she changed her mind was because it was practically impossible to convince anyone else to work for this family.

With her predicament in mind, Vonnie placed a call to the one nurse who was well-known for filling in the gaps whenever a scheduling crisis occurred.


(MONDAY, MARCH 9, 2015)

Over the past six months, the two women learned quite a bit about one another.

Vonnie shared, that many years ago, her brother-in-law had suffered a massive heart attack at the young age of twenty-eight. Though he was a successful veterinarian, many were still at a loss for words concerning his sudden demise.

The man worked diligently moving heaven and earth to provide the best life for his burgeoning family, and then, his life was gone a few years after he married Vonnie's younger sister.

Regardless of the man's love for Christ, clean living, and his attention to perfect health, fate wasn't on his side. One day the young dad lay down next to his wife never to open his eyes again.

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