♡15♡ A Love Sacrifice (UPDATED 03/11/2022)

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(Friday, October 30, 2015)

"What would you like for your birthday?" Kylin asked with a sneaky little grin on her face.

"Aren't you supposed to surprise me?" Ruthanne replied fully aware of her friend's attempt to weasel her way out of figuring out something astounding that she would enjoy.

The truth of the matter was that Ruthanne knew she had come to appreciate every time a spur-of-the-moment party, outing, or event popped out of nowhere due to Kylin's non-stop energetic interventions geared at dulling the pain.

The nurse had every right to live her life and try to recreate the joy she once shared with her loved ones, but she chose to enrich Ruthanne and Rhys' life in a way that far exceeded the salary they paid her.

Had it not been for the gift God gave the Yates Family, Ruthanne was sure she would have succumbed to her disease. It wrecked her body. Drying her up and making her a shadow of her former self, the patient often questioned why she was still alive. She was no longer the woman with whom her husband became star-struck.

It wasn't in her to complain about her circumstances, but she was at a loss for words because of the ever-present blessings in her life.

Did she even deserve to have such a loving caring person in her heart? Wasn't it greed to cling onto the woman when she was already the benefactor of love from the most amazing man.

"Yes, but I think it would be more meaningful if I got you something you want." She stated.

"That makes sense. Let me think about it and I will let you know." Her patient responded.

"You can ask me pretty much anything within reason and even a few totally unreasonable things that I just might consider." Kylin pointed out with a smile.

"Deal. Give me a little time to think about it and I'll get back to you." Ruthanne smiled back in return.

"You bet." She agreed.

The ladies played UNO and a few other card games as she lay in bed to keep her busy while taking care to follow the doctor's orders since he insisted Ruthanne be placed on bed rest. Besides being expected to be cautious, the patient was only allowed to get up for short trips to and from the bathroom or short walks in the house.

They soon returned to a thoroughly organized routine they implemented the moment Ruthanne made it home from the hospital.


(Saturday, September 7, 2015)

Ruthanne glanced at the young woman as she considered how powerless she must feel in the presence of a tear-stained puffy face that was pleading with her to execute a controversial plan exactly the way they discussed it.

Those hallow sunken eyes wielded the power to move mountains. The flicker of light left in the light gray orbs held Kylin's gaze despite the noticeable anxiety written all over the nurse's face.

She knew she shouldn't have allowed herself to be caught up in a situation such as this, but she made a promise. The minister's wife surely recognized the trepidation caused by her proposal. Everything in Kylin's body language screamed that what they were doing must be wrong on so many levels in her mind.

Ruthanne understood how her request was causing a wall of resistance to go up in the woman's consciousness, but it was a distraction she was determined to overcome. Her time was short, and that's the reason she needed Kylin to execute her plans to perfection.

Kylin was the only person who could be trusted to carry out her final wishes. She was the one person out of many who had a genuinely pure heart strong enough to attend to one last task.

A Final Request Before Saying Goodbye | #RELIGIOUS | RomePi™Where stories live. Discover now