♡12♡ The Sermon (UPDATED 03/11/2022)

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On the day that Minister Rhys Yates confirmed that Kylin wasn't some wicked person to be wary of, he led her to the sitting room in full view of anyone who might walk by.

Even though he was determined to minister to the young woman, it was best to prevent any sort of gossip, and the best way to do that was to meet in full view of his housekeeping staff or anyone who might visit him during their spiritual consultation.

For a few minutes, he disappeared into his study where he retrieved his Bible and his study notes. His latest sermon was about forgiveness. Rhys believed the Lord had placed the message in his spirit for himself, but he soon came to realize it was also for his wife's nurse as well.

They sat together for a time in discussion about how hard it was to lose loved ones, but everything is done in God's time for a purpose. The minister shared with her the scripture saying...

"But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive."

He went on to explain, "Sometimes things happen that seem to be designed to destroy us, but in truth, God is creating a blessing out of our trials. We just haven't seen the blessing yet".


As he taught his sermon and answered the nurse's numerous tear-filled questions, Rhys was unaware of his wife's presence at the door. She had witnessed him busy about his Father's business.

Standing in silence watching him work, Ruthanne saw a spark in him she was once afraid had disappeared. She caught him in prayer eyes filled with tears on multiple occasions because of her illness. She was aware of the growing doubt weighing on him about his inability to heal her. Such uncertainty had created in her husband remorse for his perceived lack of power and it caused her great sorrow to know that he suffered further still because of her.

Witnessing the joy that registered in his eyes as he listened to Kylin's doubt about her own grief and watching him build out his sermon further as he went to the Word to answer her questions, her heart was encouraged.

Not only had the young woman helped her to better deal with the crippling effects of her illness, but she was also an excellent pupil who represented the struggles of the average person providing her husband with the best possible practice to create a message that would easily touch anyone.

Tears flowed from her as she realized Kylin was indeed a Godsend. The woman was sent to receive the Word, but she was also sent to strengthen the Word in the minister and his wife as well.

It eased some of the worries from her heart to see the man who had been lingering around the two ladies lost in his own grief while he denied his calling to get back to the job of guiding people to Christ.

She turned and walked away too weak to stay and enjoy the rest of the message. Ruthanne knew she would enjoy listening to the sermon in church. She committed to supporting him as long as she could hold out. Ruthanne held up to that commitment every Sunday when she sat in her seat listening to her husband as he honored the Father by exercising his faith.



The congregation was up shouting and crying out to God. The Spirit was alive and moving in the church as the congregation received a Sunday message unlike any they had received in a long time.

Minister Yates had a line of people in front of the podium. He called for his deacons to come up to the front along with his prayer warriors. He called for the laypeople and those who stood in front of the pulpit to form a half-circle around front for deliverance and prayer.

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