♡11♡ Conflicted (UPDATED 03/11/2022)

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(The Prayer)

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.


"Lord, though I have tried over the course of my life to be thankful for all you have given me, I find myself at a crossroads with the illness of my wife. It truly breaks me to witness her suffering and not have the ability to heal her. How can I call myself a man when I cannot protect my family? What good does it do for me to teach people about Your ways and Your will if I can't demonstrate Your power? How can I encourage others by saying 'Casting all your cares upon Him; for He careth for you,' when it is hard for me to see clearly for myself. Father, I am truly at a loss. My heart hurts so much it feels as if I am being smothered by all this pain and suffering. Please help me, God. Please."

Tears streamed down the minister's face as he tried to make sense of everything that was occurring in her life.

"You are the most important influence in my life, and I thank You for all that You have done for me and my family, but right now I am so confused? I have always given my life to You. Even as a child, I have always honored my mother and my father. My life has been dedicated to showing love to my elders. I work to make sure the sick and the shut-in's needs are met. When I met my wife, I didn't lead her astray. I encouraged her to live a life worthy of You, Father and showed her how to seek forgiveness for her sinful past." This was the minister's prayer as he tarried by his wife's bedside when she went through bouts that he feared would take her out.


Things Change - PRESENT DAY

As he sat on the front pew, Minister Rhys Yates was conflicted. He was forced to watch as his better half was eulogized. Before he met her, he hadn't considered how he would meet the right woman with whom he would enjoy the matrimonial journey.

Since he spent much of his time fasting and praying, the shy man he always had been knew nothing about girlfriends or relationships. It never felt right whenever a girl tried to pull his attention from the Word. There was never this overwhelming feeling to be with any woman until he met Ruthanne.

When he thought of relationships, his parents along with his brothers came to mind. Rhys was so impressed with the awesome connection he had witnessed between his parents, his brothers, and their spouses. What they had was what he wanted more than anything.

At the ripe old age of twenty-five, his life was forever changed when the twenty-two-year-old caught his attention at a party he had no business attending in the first place. He felt it in his soul that she would make him whole and he was right...

...until she was gone.


The Struggle - PRESENT DAY

Please help me understand why I am so torn between the woman who has been by my side for the last sixteen years and the woman who is by my side now?

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