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i'm watching AOT for the first time, and it's intense... so, now i've gotta worry about making stuff up to fill in a lot more parts. i've got the plot in mind, but i want more to happen before i go to the next major thing, which i hope will mark halfway done. feel free to comment ideas bc i'm at a loss. -KawaiiAwaited



they're finding me out

i'm having my doubts


"Scarlett Marlowe, Alli George, and Vic Fuentes," Mr. Kelly said. "Come on. You've got visitors."

I'd completely forgotten about visiting hours. Honestly, I didn't want to talk to my parents. I couldn't tell them that I was getting better, because I wasn't, but I couldn't tell them the truth, either. It'd cause too much stress for my mom. Hopefully, they wouldn't ask if I was getting better. One can only hope.

I anxiously scratched my elbow as we made the long, nerving walk to the cafeteria. We were all nervous. Alli had mentioned her issues with her mom, but I wondered why Vic was nervous. Did he have issues with his parents? Did he have parents? Did he have a girlfriend or siblings or close friends or grandparents that he didn't feel like having to see?

Maybe they never knew about his depression. Maybe they just now found out, and wow, what a way to discover your son's depression.

My parents weren't even here. I almost stumbled backwards when I saw who was here.


I cautiously walked over to him, sure that confusion was written all over my face. "What... How are you here? Why are you here?"

He didn't say anything, just wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

The last time we hugged was in the coffee shop at camp just before we left. We'd hugged a couple of times before that, but this one seemed different. I guess it was because we hadn't seen each other in so long.

"Sam, what are you doing here?" I asked as we pulled out of the hug and sat at a table.

"I knew you needed someone," he said. "I knew you wouldn't want to have to talk to your parents. So I drove here."

My mouth dropped. "You drove here? Sam, that's like four hundred miles. You didn't have to do that..."

"Would you stop complaining and just be happy that I'm here?"

I chuckled. "Yeah, okay, sorry. It's nice to see you again."

"So, how are you?" he asked.

"Fine, I guess." I sighed. "I'm not getting any better so far."

I couldn't help but eavesdrop on Vic and his...brother? Too young to be his dad. Oh, my gosh, what if he is gay?

"So why didn't you ever tell anybody?" his brother asked.

Vic sighed. "Because I didn't think I needed to. Look, this wasn't supposed to happen. I'm not supposed to be here. I didn't mean to go so deep. Trust me, if I was gonna kill myself, I'd be dead."

"But why?"

"There's no reason. I'm just sick. And I don't wanna talk about it anyways, all right?" He sounded frustrated and stressed.

His brother didn't talk for a moment. "So, you keep glancing over at her."

I looked up at Sam when I felt eyes on me. "So, how are things with Katie?" Katie was the girl he was crushing on, and he had been for years. It bothered me, but I still wanted him to be happy.

"So what?" Vic whispered.

"Nothing new," Sam said.

"Really?" Vic's brother asked. "Dude, you're into her."

"So what?" Vic repeated.

Oh, wait, what?

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