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i'd convinced myself that i was nothing

but once the stars align,

i know you never said such things


Why would he need to talk to me about Austin? That got me anxious. But nonetheless, I tried to make the best of the day.

That was difficult because the day was very uneventful. Although Austin was supposed to be the only one working today, a woman with a bad attitude showed up during breakfast.

Ms. Alicia.

No one liked her. She was rude, bossy, and just a total jerk. We were extremely relieved when she left at 9pm.

Vic seemed on edge when Austin lingered. He was supposed to leave with Ms. Alicia, but he decided to stay instead.

I walked into Vic's room before going to bed. "What did you need to tell me?"

He sighed. "Nothing. I'll...I'll tell you tomorrow."

I opened my mouth to say something, but Austin called me from down the hall. I sighed in defeat and headed down the hall to find Austin standing in the doorway of the laundry room.

"You said you wanted an extra blanket?"

I nodded.

He motioned for me to go into the room. "They've got different types of blankets here."

My chest tightened when I heard the click of a door being locked. Wait...

I didn't have time to respond before I was pinned to the wall in a kiss. What the he k? My first instinct was to knee him in the groin, and so I did.

I lunged at the door and unlocked it, but he grabbed me before I could open it.

I thought Austin was cool. I thought he was a good guy. Actually, I thought he was a great guy. So why? Why was he doing this? I trusted him...

But now, as he stopped my screams with forced kisses, I realised my mistake. Now, I really wanted to die. I couldn't believe that this was actually happening. I was actually being molested. And in a mental hospital, for Christ's sake!

Vic... Was this what he wanted to talk to me about? But how would he know? Did it happen to him...? Oh, God, I couldn't even think about that right now...

I gasped when I heard the door open. Next thing I knew, Austin was on the ground.

"Don't freaking touch her!"

Was that...Vic?

I slid down the wall to a sitting position and pulled my knees close before I went into hysterics. What had just happened? I was trembling like a freaking chihuahua...

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Two security guards ran in and pulled Vic off of Austin.

"What's going on here?"

"He was molesting her!" Vic shouted.

Austin wiped his bloody nose and cursed under his breath. "Why's it different this time? Why didn't you try to save the other one?"

What was he talking about?

"You," said a security guard to Vic, "take her to her room and don't leave her side 'til one of us goes in there."

I had trouble standing when Vic tried pulling me to my feet. He secured his arm around my waist and escorted me to my room, all the while apologising for waiting too long to tell me.

We sat on my bed together as he tried calming me down.

"What was he talking about?" I asked.

"I've been to more than one hospital," he said. "This has happened before... But I didn't do anything then. I've hated myself ever since that night."

I took a deep, shaky breath. "Thank you...so much..."

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