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they don't know

about the things

we do


"Scarlett, why won't you be a witness?"

I looked away from Mr. Terry and sighed. "I don't want to. Too much anxiety. You've got Vic and the security footage, right? You don't need me."

I really didn't want to have to go to court. I'd done it before, and it was horrible. I didn't want to do it again. It caused way too much stress and anxiety and gave me insomnia.

Maybe I was being rude by depriving them of another witness, because they could probably get more out of it with another witness. Oops. I really didn't care.

"Can I go to my room?"

I had a stare-down with him until he sighed and nodded.

I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling and turning a safety pin over and over in my fingers. "Stupid court hearings. Stupid perverts. Stupid...me." I groaned and closed my eyes.

I wanted to see Austin punished at length for what he'd done, but I didn't want to be the one to do it. In fact, if I had it my way, I'd never have to see his disgusting face again.

I bit my lip and opened the safety pin. Sharp. If I pressed hard enough...

"Scarlett." Vic's voice made me jump. "What are you doing?"

I sat up abruptly. "I... Nothing." I shook my head. I didn't need to cut. I needed to get better. But I needed to get better with him. I didn't want to do it without him.

I stood and walked to him. "Will you promise me something?"

He smiled sheepishly, making the butterflies in my gut go rampant. "Whatever you wish."

"Will you get better with me?"

He held my hands in his, and in his eyes, I saw a passionate, fierce determination. "Yes."

okay! that's it! i'll write a sequel, but not until this one hits 1k. thanks for reading! love y'all!

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