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Warning: there is slight self deprecation

Tori and Juliet have been dating for a couple months, they, unlike stereotypes, moved in with each other 2 months after they got together instead of 2 weeks, although they wasted no time in getting a cat. It was very hard to choose out of all the adorable ones, but they eventually chose a cute gray Munchkin Scottish Fold.

"How about Dobby? Doesn't she look like a Dobby?" Juliet asked, she was splayed out on the floor in front of the kitten while Tori was leaning against the couch. And Dobby can also be a girls name for a cat.

"Mmmm, no. You know I don't really like Harry Potter." Juliet nods in understanding. Now, don't hate on her, she doesn't hate Harry Potter, she just could never get into it because the introduction was so long.

"Rayla?" Juliet suggested, Tori immediately shot up and started agreeing. So, yeah, both girls are huge nerds with an appreciation for well written stories and cartoons. Now, Netflix's series The Dragon Prince is an awesome cartoon, some of the original creators of ATLA are on that team and it's got the same style, the show goes by books and chapters. Rayla went up to Juliet on the floor and curled up on her back, the shorter girlfriend was trying not to freak out over the fact that their new kitten was snuggling with her.

"It's your turn to cook tonight, get up." Tori says, nudging her girlfriend's side with her foot.

"Nooo! I don't wanna get up because Rayla might never snuggle with me again!" Juliet knew she was being dramatic, but a rule with her is that when a cat is on her, she won't move until the cat does. Although Tori does love seeing how cute her girlfriend is with cats, she cooked the last two days and Juliet promised she'd cook today. So Tori picked up Rayla and Juliet got off the floor with a pout, but that just made her more cute. Tori is pretty tall, around 5'7", and Juliet is pretty short, 5'2", really the height difference seems like a lot if you look at the people and not the numbers.

"I love you." Tori says gently, giving Juliet a small peck on the nose.

"Mmm, I love you too," she replied, her cheeks heating up at the affection, "does mac and cheese sound good?" She asked, the taller girlfriend nodded in response. She gives Juliet one more kiss, a peck on the lips, and let her cook. In the middle of cooking Juliet felt arms wrap around her waist and Tori's chin atop her head, Juliet leaned back into her to return the hug without turning away from her cooking. They stayed like that the whole rest of the time Juliet was cooking, Tori walking and moving with Juliet without letting go or getting in the way of her cooking.

"You want breadcrumbs on it?" She asked, Tori have a noise of conformation. So when Juliet poured the pasta mixed with the cheese into the pan she added breadcrumbs on top of it, covered it with tin foil, and put it in the oven to cook. When Juliet does things like cooking or chores or washing the dishes, she usually like to do it with music, they both do. Another reason why they're compatible, Tori would just put on her music for things while they're doing something together and Juliet will have no complaints, it doesn't matter if she knows the song or not. So there was music playing, and We Fell in Love in October came on, one of Juliet's favorite Girl In Red songs.

"Can you face me?" Tori asked, Juliet twisted around and Tori's arms moved up from her waist to her shoulders while Juliet wrapped her arms around Tori's waist. They just stood there, slightly swaying to the music and hugging. Tori was lightly humming along and Juliet closed her eyes and just listened, she loves it when Tori hums.

"You're my girl." She mumbles to me when the chorus of "my girl" came on again, "Am I yours?" She asks.

"Always. Always and forever." Juliet replies, the first "always" was a Harry Potter reference, the second sentence was what she truly felt in her heart. At that moment Rayla rubs against their legs, they both looked down at their baby girl with a smile. The oven beeped, signaling their homemade mac and cheese was done. They each took some, Tori taking more than Juliet because she has a much bigger appetite than her smaller girlfriend, and sat at the table and ate.

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