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WHERE ARE ALL MY FELLOW ACES AT?!! I NEED YOU FAM!! Anyway, enjoy this cute little story!

Warning: mentions of unsupportive family and slight aphobia

They were both asexual, they were both contempt in just cuddling the days away, sharing small little kisses and word of affection, and holding hands while walking down the street. Half the time they do that, they get gal-palled, it's honestly funny to see the look on the straight person's face when they share a sweet little kiss. But sometimes, things are tough for them. Juliet had kept Tori a secret from her family, they all think she's dating a guy.

"About time you got over your phase." They'd say, Juliet would just smile and nod, not giving away that those words broke her. Then they started asking questions, and pressuring her to giver her "boyfriend" the pleasure "he" deserves. They all suggested different things for Juliet to take to "ease her into it", they'd say she wouldn't notice it at all, they'd say she'd enjoy it after. Juliet had just come back from a family member's birthday dinner, she slammed the door behind her, an extremely pissed off look on her face. She stomped around the couch and fell onto it, then laid her head on Tori's lap.

"That bad, huh?" She asked, combing her fingers through Juliet's hair, the other girl relaxed at that action.

"My mother tried to slip me something at dessert, I couldn't eat the chocolate cake." She pouted, Tori leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, how about we make some? Hmm?" Tori asked, Juliet shot up and nodded rapidly, then ran into the kitchen in excitement. Tori got up and walked after her, chuckling at her small girlfriend's antics. They both put up their hair and started, getting out the materials and doing measurements. Tori definitely knows how to cheer up her girlfriend, Juliet was stirring some ingredients in a bowl, spacing out and thinking how lucky she is to have Tori in her life. Juliet was brought out of her head, where she was listing everything she admired and loved about her girlfriend, when Tori came up and hugged her from behind, wrapping her arms around the shorter girl's waist and placing her chin on Juliet's shoulder.

"You're valid. You know that, right? And I'm asexual too, so you're not depriving me of anything. Don't let what they say get to you." She said, Juliet nodded with a small smile, then turned her head and kissed Tori's cheek.

"Thank you," she leaned her head against Tori's, "I needed to hear that. You're valid too." Tori gave her a small peck in response, knowing that Juliet's trying to hold herself together. When the cake batter was finally done, they dumped it in a pan and put it in the oven, then licked the whisks and bowl. Tori let out a small laugh when Juliet's face came out of the bowl, she had chocolate everywhere. Tori helped her clean up, then they cuddled up on the couch and turned on a show.

"You're the best." Juliet mumbled, shuffling further into her tall girlfriend.

"No, you." Tori shot back.

"No, you are. You put up with all of my bullshit, and make sure I eat and drink water, and you comfort me when I've had a bad day either at work or with my family. You're the best." Juliet states, meaning everything she says.

"Yeah, well, you put up with my ranting, I talk too much and you can barely get a word in because I'm in so deep I can't hear you." Juliet glanced up at Tori from where she was cuddled up against her.

"But I love listening to you, I love listening to your voice, it's calming. And I like hearing about your worldbuilding and your writing, and how you have a growing fanbase." Tori didn't reply, flustered by what her girlfriend said.

"I love you, darling." Juliet said with a smirk, knowing Tori gets flushed at that nickname no matter how many times she's heard it before. Tori covered her face and let out a groan.

"You've killed me now." She muttered, Juliet kissed the back of her hands.

"I know." She replied, then settled to continue watching the show. A little while later the oven beeped, Juliet checked to see if the cake was done, then took it out of the oven because it was done. They slathered the frosting on it, ate whatever frosting was leftover, and cut themselves a piece.

"You feeling a bit better?" Tori asked, empty plates in front of them, Juliet nodded.

"You want to talk about something, I can tell." Tori narrowed her eyes at Juliet, who sighed and rested her head on her hand.

"I don't understand why they can't be accepting, I'm their family! Family should love each other no matter what! So why are they trying to change me into someone they'll 'love more'? I should just come out to them, I mean, I already live here, so all they can do is disown me." Juliet pondered, Tori shook her head at this.

"No, they can also hurt you, and I don't want that to happen to you," She reached across the table and held Juliet's hand, intertwining their fingers, "I don't want to see you hurt."

"But faking it also hurts. I don't want to keep pretending to talk about a guy." Tori contemplated it for a moment, then sighed, her family was going to find out one way or another.

"Fine, but do it over text and then give me the phone." Juliet did as she said, texting them that she's asexual and has a girlfriend, then handed the phone to Tori. Just as the taller girl suspected, horrible messages were flooding in, and, with Juliet's permission, Tori blocked every single one of them and deleted their contacts. Then they both stayed up a little later watching a show, then went to bed. They fell asleep cuddled up together, happy with each other and never wishing for anyone else to be with.

977 words

Time done: 11:56 P.M., June 9, 2020

So...I got something nice and fluffy done for all my fellow asexuals out there. YOU ARE ALL EXTREMELY VALID!! I hope you guys enjoyed this!

Love you all~

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