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So, this is really bad, I apologize beforehand for what you are probably not going to read.

Warning: mentions of unsupportive parents

People keep on telling Leo it's not a thing, people keep on saying that it's not possible to be attracted to females and males. Then why does he feel this way? With females he's like: she's pretty, we've talked before, she seems nice. But then with guys it's definitely more panic. Does this mean he's attracted to guys more? He has heard that you can be less attracted to one gender and more attracted to the other.

His parents aren't really that supportive, but they really don't say anything because they think not saying anything is not lgbtq+phobic at all. Yet whenever he brings up that he wants a flag his parents turn him down, they say he "doesn't have to show it off" but it's who he is! For so long Leo's been alone in figuring out why he feels this way, and he was so happy to find out who he is.

Then, at school one day, a friend came up to him and told him about this after school club she attends and wants him to join her. And that's where he found his safe space. A place where lgbtq+ people can hang out and talk.

"What are your pronouns and what's your sexuality?" Leo was asked that question after he sat down and observed his friends, he was a bit caught off guard.

"Ummm, he/him, bisexual." Leo answers, the guy smiles.

"Cool." Then he walked away, and that was how he joined the GSA club.


After a few weeks he managed to find where he fit and wedged in there, sticking close to his friends and having a lot of fun. They mostly hung out in an empty classroom and talked, but one time they dyed shirts, and another they went to this lgbtq+ convention and, with a partner, chose the panels they wanted to attend. He was having a lot of fun there, then one of the student assistants wanted to talk with him. The guy, Marc, was the same one that asked him those questions upon first arriving.

"Listen, I don't really know if you're more attracted to girls, but I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out sometime?" This hit Leo like a brick wall. Someone was asking him out? Someone actually liked him? Leo immediately said yes and they worked out the date and where they were going. Leo came home that day with a smile on his face, but he definitely didn't and won't tell his parents about the date.


"Are you ready?" Marc asked Leo, who was waiting at the end of his street for Marc to pick him up because Leo's parents are home.

"Yep." Leo replied with a shy smile, climbing in the car and watching the scenery go by as Marc drove.

The date went really well, seeing as Marc remembered Leo likes marine biology, he took Leo to the aquarium. And the both of them had a lot of fun, Marc liked listening to Leo ramble on about the different life forms in the ocean, and Leo liked helping Marc be brave enough to pet the rays. Of course, when he finally did he didn't want to stop, they ended up staying and petting the sting rays for an hour, then Marc treated Leo to dinner.

"I had a lot of fun. Thanks for this." Leo said, rubbing the back of his neck, his heart slightly racing. They were back at the end of Leo's street, their date over.

"If you want to do this again, let me know. I won't push you, if you think we're better off friends that's fine by me." Marc says, Leo looks up at that.

"No, I - ummm, I definitely want to do this again." Leo says, they exchanged numbers and Leo went home with another smile on his face.


They went on a few more dates before they decided that they wanted to be boyfriends. Things were going well, they both moved on to college and eventually got a house together and, as they say in fairytales, lived happily ever after.

686 words

Time done: 10:27 A.M. (I never finish this early, wow), June 3, 2020

I'M SO SORRY THIS WAS SO BAAAD!!! I just didn't really know what to do, and I'm really sorry! I rushed through this because I wanted to get it done.

Also, I'm switching the calendar I'm going by, it's now this one.

Also, I'm switching the calendar I'm going by, it's now this one

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That's all, have a lovely day/night!

Love you all~

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