Chapter 7

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Y/N walked towards her destination and saw Allen standing outside the library with a cup of coffee in his hand. A mischievous grin spread on her face and she minimized the sound of her footsteps and appeared behind him. She went into his ear and...


Allen jumped up and almost dropped his coffee. Y/N laughed out loud at his reaction. He turned around angrily but his eyes softened the moment he saw her.

"Y/N! This coffee is yours! You're lucky I didn't drop it!" He told her with a smile.

She immediately stopped laughing and looked at the coffee in his hand.

"Oh! I remembered that day you said that you like caramel macchiatos so I went to grab one for you since I was early" He told her as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Thank you Allen" she walked up to him and grabbed the coffee while giving him a kiss on the check. His eyes widened, shocked by her movements. But when he looked at her, he saw that she had a soft blush on her face as well and her eyes big as his. She cleared her throat.

"L-let's go" She stuttered and turned on her heel.

Once they were in, they settled down on one of the tables and chairs at the corner of the library. Y/N prepared her study materials and started to study while Allen had wanted to do the same thing, he couldn't. His eyes kept drifting towards her unconsciously and he had to stop himself from time to time. He had come to the fact that yes, she was his friend. But he was developing feelings for her. 

At one end, he wanted to stop hanging out with her to minimise the feelings. 

But on the other hand, he really liked hanging out with her. 

Half of him thought he stood a chance, but the other half didn't. 

Draco was his identity he used online, not his real self. 

Allen was his real self, he wanted Y/N to fall for the real him yet he was worried she wouldn't like both him and Draco anymore.

"Psst, Allen?" speaking of her, she waved her hands in front of his face. 

Allen went back to reality and realised that he had been daydreaming or so, it seemed like to her. 

"Y-yes?" He stuttered. 

"What are you thinking about?" She asked as her hands were occupied in flipping the notebook and her eyes were looking at the page numbers. 

"A-ah, It's nothing, don't worry about it" He told her. Y/N thought that it was weird of him to act that way, but she pushed it aside. Right now, she had more important matters in her hand. 

Allen desperately looked for something to distract her about his previous state and his landed on a vending machine. 

This library was a place where they were aloud to bring both food and drinks in, which was why many people went there. 

"Hey, you want a snack?" He asked her. 

She raised her head and nodded at him, still reading through her notebook. 

Allen got up and went to the vending machine. 


Focused on studying, Y/N didn't even realised when Allen got back. 

He sat down beside her and lightly nudged her. 

She held out her hand as he placed the snack there. She mumbled a small thanks as she started eating it. Allen had started a conversation since she had to use two hands to eat the snack and seemed very bored. 

"Wait, so you're telling me Aiden ran around his house naked, screaming 'kick me' while you were there?" She asked nearly laughing. 

"Yep, I dared him too" He nodded. She burst into laughter and nearly dropped her snack. She was so busy laughing, she didn't;t notice there was a food stain on her lips as she tried to come down. 

"Hang on, you got something on your lips" He noticed and went closer to wipe it. He didn't  seem to notice, but she was blushing. When he had wiped it off, he lifted his head and they locked eyes. 

Shit, move away now!

He mentally told himself. That was what his head wanted him to do, but his heart and body didn't, they refused to follow the instructions. Then, he went forward, lifted his head and brought a finger underneath a chin to tilt upwards towards him. Their lips locked and they shared a soft kiss. 

Falling for two guys | Draconitedragon ( Allen )  x readerWhere stories live. Discover now