I need to rant for a moment

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Okay so as you know, I have four and soon to be five siblings.

Scott and I like to play video games like The Sims, Minecraft, and Roblox. We had our thirteenth birthday almost a month ago and we each got 100 dollars. We decided to spend some of our money on Sims gamepasses.

Our little sisters, George and Kenya started playing the Sims the second after we bought the passes. Hold up I think there's a ghost watching me.

Okay. We bought our gamepasses when they were half off. We bought mermaids, spellcasters, pets, and University.

Georgia and Kenya (it's been confirmed) only wanted to play the Sims after someone got gamepasses. Scott and I payed for the gamepasses with OUR OWN MONEY and Kenya and Georgia are acting like they own the effing game. Scott and I payed for the game as well!

The girls have been on there all day everyday and never let Scott and I play it. Finn doesn't even bother with the game so that's why I'm not really talking about him right now.

We play Minecraft and Roblox on our phones but the Sims is on our computer, which the girls are glued to.


So anyway, I was playing today because I got up before them by like three hours and when I decided to get on, they both come down the stairs and into the office where the computer is, and Kenya fricken takes the mouse from me and wouldn't. Give. It. Back.

So then mum comes down and is like, Lizzie let your sisters play the Sims. EXCUSE ME! I HAVEN'T PLAYED FOR MORE THAN TWO SECONDS IN A FREAKING MONTH AND YOU'RE LETTING THEM PLAY ALL DAY! 😡


The only reasons Scott and I leave our room if we need to go to the bathroom, eat, or to do our chores. Well today we decided to spend some time with the family and we suddenly remember why we stay in our rooms all day.

Mum, Georgia, Kenya, and dad all make fun of us and criticize our decisions.

Our Mum targets me too! Last week it was "I don't want you to clean out your binders until we have further notice about school"

So none of us cleaned our binders. Still nothing about school.

Yesterday, I was making plans for Guy x Reader 2 chapter ten, and mum comes in and starts freaking out at me about why I haven't cleaned my binder. MUM YOU SAID TO LEAVE IT SO I DID! D:


Alright I'm done. Thanks for reading about my sh*tty life!

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